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Police powers boosted to seize foreign untaxed vehicles

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Just phone the non emergency number and report them.


must be kidding mate.


I tried reporting a UK registered car that i knew had no MOT or Tax or Insurance a few months back.

Massively long wait firstly and they were more interested in how i was 100% certain of the allegations as only the owner can check such details on-line.

No word of a lie, the operator said even a police officer cannot legally check if car has insurance or not, without the car owner being with the officer and if i want it dealt i should try the DVLA!

Exasperated at this point, i gave up with 101 and made a note never to bother again.


Notified the DVLA and to their credit the car was gone within a week.


I would hate to imagine how the conversation regarding a foreign plated car would go with the 101 call centre staff!

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I think you already pay road tax when you go to France because it is on the fuel sales.


Fuel tax in France is no different to fuel tax in the UK (and anywhere else), and "car tax" in France is paid when buying a car new (through the 'bonus-malus' sales tax system, wherein heavier-polluting vehicles are extra-taxed ('malus') and eco-friendly ones receive a rebate ('bonus'), in both cases when purchased new).


The only country I'm aware of, in which you have to buy annual car tax at the border (it's actually a license to use motorways, rather than VED as such), is Switzerland. Which is not the EU, lest I needed to remind readers.


The 6 months 'grace' exists as part and parcel of the free movement of people and goods intra-EU, and benefits the millions of Brit drivers travelling to the Continent every year to the same extent as the thousands of EU drivers travelling to the UK every year. As correctly pointed out earlier, once you've stayed in the UK over 6 months (within a 12 months period), you are automatically classed as a UK resident and that's when the 'grace' ends. Essentially the same system works the same everywhere else in the EU.

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I stand corrected.Cheers.
No biggie :)


...and I'm keeping a beedy eye on 2 PL-reg'd cars of "aspirational" Poles who recently moved in close-by ;)


5-series Beemer and estate A4, they sure like their German metal.

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