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The Disintegration of a Broken Continent

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They are almost drunk with the stuff, having not had the chance to buy luxury for so long. And that is causing divisions in society, like we have here.


I thought the divisions "over here" were due to the evil Tories and their policies?


And they still have the necessary grip on the people to make sure they are sorted out quickly and without too much dissent. Something that i singularly lacking over here...


So you're advocating a dictatorship in the UK?


Given how some on here had trouble accepting the democratic election result of May 7, that wouldn't surprise me in the least.

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Good god you are a miserable bunch, The UK is not in terminal decline, it has the fastest growing economy of any developed country.


Camerons policy of reaching out across the world over the heads of the EU is paying dividends trade wise, we have created near enough 1.5 million jobs (an underestimate) we are set to create another 2 million by 2020 and overtake Germany as an economy by 2030.


The northern powerhouse initiative could well work, and compliment Londons financial might.


We live in the best country in the world, if you doubt that look at those hundreds trying desperately to leave France and get here. Free, prosperous and moving forward.

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It's not just Europe that is broken - the USA are in trouble too. And some would have you believe the entire world...




Basically the advice is, if you can afford to, get all your money out of the banks and convert it into gold you can carry with you; buy a small-holding somewhere you can be self-sufficient; oh, and be prepared to defend it!

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Perhaps watching and understanding what might come next in that country is to see how Alibaba is managing living among the giants such as Ebay, Amazon and the rest ... fascinating and interesting


The big main problem with Alibaba is that it does not recognise the EU or US trading laws so anything bought from them is sold "as is." They dont recognise distant selling regulations and offer no guarantees as to what may turn up. The onus is on the buyer to send back any faulty goods at their expense which can be fairly costly. At least with Ebay or Amazon purchases are protected.


The above is one big flaw in their trading method.

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I've been watching various programmes about the rise of China. They're economy has taken over the top slot worldwide and they seem to have money to burn. Compare that to the austerity in Britain and places like Greece, and the downfall of Europe starts to look like the fall of the Roman Empire in comparison. Our fall has been so far and fast that heaven knows where we'll be 10 years from now, but you can bet austerity will have become a way of life by then for all but the wealthiest.


We are entering a period of serious long term decline, and I fear for the future.


You love to be negative, the worse the situation is the more you seem to like it.

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It's not just Europe that is broken - the USA are in trouble too. And some would have you believe the entire world...




Basically the advice is, if you can afford to, get all your money out of the banks and convert it into gold you can carry with you; buy a small-holding somewhere you can be self-sufficient; oh, and be prepared to defend it!


That's really convincing - some dodgy gold "consultants" saying "buy gold".


Other headlines on that website include "This Isn’t Surreal: God Has Cast Judgment on America".


Oh....and you did notice that the website is so succesful that it hasn't been updated since last December.

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I believe the peasant class is disappearing fast. Many are being moved off their farmland to make way for shiny new towns and cities with all mod cons, which they then take to like a duck to water.

Yes, there are only billions left in that situation...

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You love to be negative, the worse the situation is the more you seem to like it.


She's not the only one, Cyclone (not including you, btw). I think the market for anti-depressants in Sheffield must be huge given the negativity on SF. :)

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She's not the only one, Cyclone (not including you, btw). I think the market for anti-depressants in Sheffield must be huge given the negativity on SF. :)


Life's lovely if you have money, but bloody awful if you don't.

Fancy swapping your comfy lives for life on Benefits Street? No I didn't think so.


Even the NHS acknowledges 'sh**ty life syndrome' is taking a huge toll on people's health. What is so depressing is that there is less and less you can do about changing it. Once you're at the bottom it's harder to get yourself out of it. Hence the preponderance of anti-depressants everywhere to get you through life.


If the best the government can come up with is the 'Northern Power House' (please will someone explain what that actually means in real terms) we are in trouble....

I'm taking the long view, from being the richest, greatest manufacturing nation in the world with a vast empire just 150 years ago, to where we are today....Am I being negative or just being honest?

Edited by Anna B
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Life's lovely if you have money, but bloody awful if you don't.

Fancy swapping your comfy lives for life on Benefits Street? No I didn't think so.


Even the NHS acknowledges 'sh**ty life syndrome' is taking a huge toll on people's health. What is so depressing is that there is less and less you can do about changing it. Once you're at the bottom it's harder to get yourself out of it. Hence the preponderance of anti-depressants everywhere to get you through life.


If the best the government can come up with is the 'Northern Power House' (please will someone explain what that actually means in real terms) we are in trouble....

I'm taking the long view, from being the richest, greatest manufacturing nation in the world with a vast empire just 150 years ago, to where we are today....Am I being negative or just being honest?




Why not just do a bit of research - you appear to have got the same access to the internet as everyone else on SF.


Try finding some stats on infant mortality and life expectancy 150 years ago.


Try finding out at what age people went to work 150 years ago.


Try finding out the living conditions of people 150 years ago.


Try finding out who benefitted from the Empire.


That might help to answer your question.

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