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The Disintegration of a Broken Continent

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well done, great article!


---------- Post added 15-07-2015 at 14:07 ----------


Anna B might come later and explain what she meant.


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As an investor myself, though, I do take into consideration the number of new cars sold … it isn’t the only factor but definitely worth considering …

But even that sometimes isn’t enough .. as the article shows. Any indicator can move upwards and downwards depending on the forces that affect it … sometimes it moves as a direct consequence, or for indirect reasons … sometimes the reasons are

superficial and temporary … sometimes more solid and serious … so it isn’t really that simple.


But personally, I am confident 101% the health of UK economy would need another 50 years to recover.

Even if every citizen bought a brand new Bentley tomorrow …. 50 years to recover means FIFTY years to recover, as a minimum.


---------- Post added 15-07-2015 at 14:12 ----------


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from the BBC:

New UK car sales hit a 10-year high in 2014, boosted by confidence in the economic recovery, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has said.

.............. words to watch: boosted by confidence

not the economy!


"Boosted by confidence in the economic recovery " is what it actually says..

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Across Europe demand for new vehicles has crashed, yet the British market is racing ahead of its neighbours. What is fuelling this car-buying boom?

In 2006, 45% of new cars in Britain were bought on "finance" .. in 2013, 74% have been brought on finance. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2013/oct/08/why-britain-cant-stop-buying-new-cars

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Across Europe demand for new vehicles has crashed, yet the British market is racing ahead of its neighbours. What is fuelling this car-buying boom?

In 2006, 45% of new cars in Britain were bought on "finance" .. in 2013, 74% have been brought on finance. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2013/oct/08/why-britain-cant-stop-buying-new-cars


You may not have noticed but the UK economy is better than most other European countries..car sales surged in Germany and France as well..




Where is you info from that says demand across Europe has crashed?

Edited by truman
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If you can not see the difference between Confidence and Economy, I am sorry there is nothing I can do.


Go on .explain it to me..do you not see that it's confidence in the economy? I think you ought to go and sit in the dark and dismal corner with Anna B :)

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You asked: “Go on .explain it to me”

I will.


You have one country.

On one day.

You have an economy of that country on that day.

And you have 2 people.

One has great confidence on the economy

The other does not.

The economy is ONE.

Confidence isn’t.

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You asked: “Go on .explain it to me”

I will.


You have one country.

On one day.

You have an economy of that country on that day.

And you have 2 people.

One has great confidence on the economy

The other does not.

The economy is ONE.

Confidence isn’t.


The economy is growing..all figures point to that.. the UK is now the second largest in Europe... back to the cars ..where did you get the info that demand in Europe has crashed..

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The Okies in the Grapes of Wrath were "mobile". It's not a positive thing.
It's not a present thing either. Steinbeck was highlighting a drought from the thirties forcing a family of Okies trying to get to California. We've had a few wars since then.
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The elephant in the room is RACE.


The US has a huge problem with black and latino and white failure to integrate. In Europe, the UK has a natural racial affinity to the Nordic states and Germany, we have difficulty with the southern states.


Until the human race sorts itself out re race we can never assimilate.

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The elephant in the room is RACE.


The US has a huge problem with black and latino and white failure to integrate. In Europe, the UK has a natural racial affinity to the Nordic states and Germany, we have difficulty with the southern states.


Until the human race sorts itself out re race we can never assimilate.


Failure to integrate? An exaggeration indeed. Have the Muslims in Britain fully integrated with the non Muslim population or are they living more or less separately in Little Beirut type neighborhoods like in Bradford and Birmingham ?

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