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The Disintegration of a Broken Continent

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And so they should, the optimism and hope engendered by such people are truly the only future we all have, the actions of people of all races following the slaughter of the men and women in the chapel has been heartwarming. BUT it follows the insane actions of one man at the far end of the spectrum regarding race hate.


In Europe politicians decided that we would open our borders, in the main this has worked, but we now see the extremes of these policies with welfare claimants from foreign countries populating our cheapest housing and adding to criminal behavior.


---------- Post added 17-07-2015 at 11:55 ----------



The Muslim population is not integrated. They socialize together, much activity seems to be restricted to the Mosque.


In Rotherham we have a culture of sexual predation on white women recently exposed in full but constantly underplayed by liberals seeking to sweep such matters under the carpet. This predation has been mirrored elsewhere in the UK and it seems the case that it is endemic in the Muslim population.


I repeat, the elephant in the room is race add to that religion and culture. Where, as in Islam there is no respect for alternate belief systems conflict is inevitable.

.........I fully agree with your post!...........what amazes me is that you have not been labelled a bigot and a racist by the leftie keyboard spivs on here.....Yet!
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And so they should, the optimism and hope engendered by such people are truly the only future we all have, the actions of people of all races following the slaughter of the men and women in the chapel has been heartwarming. BUT it follows the insane actions of one man at the far end of the spectrum regarding race hate.


In Europe politicians decided that we would open our borders, in the main this has worked, but we now see the extremes of these policies with welfare claimants from foreign countries populating our cheapest housing and adding to criminal behavior.


---------- Post added 17-07-2015 at 11:55 ----------



The Muslim population is not integrated. They socialize together, much activity seems to be restricted to the Mosque.


In Rotherham we have a culture of sexual predation on white women recently exposed in full but constantly underplayed by liberals seeking to sweep such matters under the carpet. This predation has been mirrored elsewhere in the UK and it seems the case that it is endemic in the Muslim population.


I repeat, the elephant in the room is race add to that religion and culture. Where, as in Islam there is no respect for alternate belief systems conflict is inevitable.


They're not capable of integrating. Religion completely dominates every aspect of their lives

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Yet still, having spent some time in Baltimore it was clear that (sadly) there is still a long way to go. In that city at least, black and white are segregated both economically and geographically. I even encountered effective segregation with busses.
I'm sorry to have to say, there are areas of almost every American city, where it is unwise for white people to go. They are quite big areas too. The gangs have taken over and life is hell for decent blacks or Hispanics who live there. The videos of police brutality are being taken with cell phone cameras at some risk to the users. But the point is getting across finally. Now police officers are having to take their own pictures of what they are doing. Not all cops are doing this kind of stuff, far from it. I have a lot of friends who are Police officers, my daughter in laws's father is a retired FBI Officer, a nicer man you couldn't meet. Most of us would be much worse off if not for the Police, white or black. Anybody on this forum has a right to comment on America's problems as long as it's reasonable debate and not trash talk. You have plenty of problems of your own to keep you thinking.
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I was in Italy recently,Rome and Naples,in both cities,there were very loud critics of europe,in Rome there is rabid corruption,public services are underfunded,strikes are common place and public funds are plundered.Litter was unreal,amid allegations that the cleansing budget had been used by public officials for their own use.The train drivers were on a go slow,after being asked to clock in,which they regarded as an insult to their integrity,and public transport was worse than hopeless,same story in Naples.

Since EU integration the country has accrued mounting debt,and austerity measures becoming deeply unpopular with all the blame aimed at brussels!

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I was in Italy recently,Rome and Naples,in both cities,there were very loud critics of europe,in Rome there is rabid corruption,public services are underfunded,strikes are common place and public funds are plundered.Litter was unreal,amid allegations that the cleansing budget had been used by public officials for their own use.The train drivers were on a go slow,after being asked to clock in,which they regarded as an insult to their integrity,and public transport was worse than hopeless,same story in Naples.

Since EU integration the country has accrued mounting debt,and austerity measures becoming deeply unpopular with all the blame aimed at brussels!


Just goes to show how every dog and its uncle blames the EU when things are tough instead of looking at the foundation where things go wrong. Italy has been trying to spend its way into economic growth in the previous decade, without effectively tackling corruption. That was Italy's choice, nothing to do with the EU or Euro, yet now the chickens are coming home to roost it is all of a sudden the EU's fault.


PS Roma and Napoli have always been poor, messy and loud cities.

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Just goes to show how every dog and its uncle blames the EU when things are tough instead of looking at the foundation where things go wrong. Italy has been trying to spend its way into economic growth in the previous decade, without effectively tackling corruption. That was Italy's choice, nothing to do with the EU or Euro, yet now the chickens are coming home to roost it is all of a sudden the EU's fault.


PS Roma and Napoli have always been poor, messy and loud cities.


I love Rome,i have family in Naples its the only reason i go,like you say its a bit of a flea pit,and im bieng kind.

The italians blame the UK for the mess their in also for they percieve we dont pay our way and that Italy pays toward the shortfall and has done for many decades,or so they claim.

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I was in Italy recently,Rome and Naples,in both cities,there were very loud critics of europe,in Rome there is rabid corruption,public services are underfunded,strikes are common place and public funds are plundered.Litter was unreal,amid allegations that the cleansing budget had been used by public officials for their own use.The train drivers were on a go slow,after being asked to clock in,which they regarded as an insult to their integrity,and public transport was worse than hopeless,same story in Naples.

Since EU integration the country has accrued mounting debt,and austerity measures becoming deeply unpopular with all the blame aimed at brussels!


Why blame Brussels when the situation you have described is obviously the fault of the Italian administration. They cant manage their budgets and finances.


In or out of the EU Italy would be in the same boat

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I love Rome,i have family in Naples its the only reason i go,like you say its a bit of a flea pit,and im bieng kind.

The italians blame the UK for the mess their in also for they percieve we dont pay our way and that Italy pays toward the shortfall and has done for many decades,or so they claim.


I had a good friend from Napels, but he always used to boast how he never bought fuel for his scooter.


He used a plastic pipe to suck it from someone else's... "No,no,no Theem, ees normel heeer!"

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Why blame Brussels when the situation you have described is obviously the fault of the Italian administration. They cant manage their budgets and finances.


In or out of the EU Italy would be in the same boat

The EU was always set to end in tears anyway once the Germans have had enough!
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