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The tories and paying for your own welfare

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There are already insurance schemes you can pay into for if you lose your job, to cover mortgage payments etc. And when you need it, it's like trying to get blood out of a stone. They will happily take your premiums then try every trick in the book not to pay out.


Not a good advert for insurance schemes....

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Sounds like a great idea. They could call it National Insurance... hang on?!? :suspect:


4% 100 years ago, to cover pension and unemployment benefit, and unemployment was more than the pension.


Now up to 12% and unemployment benefit no higher in real terms, much lower even as a share of GDP.


New 4% pension tax on income already introduced and 4% scheme for unemployment being suggested.


Working class ought have the 4% NEST cancelled, NI reduced to 4% and JSA tripled. Minimum wage doubled to ensure work pays. All completely affordable too.

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4% 100 years ago, to cover pension and unemployment benefit, and unemployment was more than the pension.


Now up to 12% and unemployment benefit no higher in real terms, much lower even as a share of GDP.


New 4% pension tax on income already introduced and 4% scheme for unemployment being suggested.


Working class ought have the 4% NEST cancelled, NI reduced to 4% and JSA tripled. Minimum wage doubled to ensure work pays. All completely affordable too.


Agreed. **** the establishment!!

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