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Aren't pine nuts bloody gorgeous?


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I'm not a great fan of salads, but throw a handful of toasted pine nuts at a sald and I'm in like Flynn.

Does anyone know if they're from a particular breed of pine tree or whether our native trees produce them? I extracted a few a while back from a pinecone we'd fetched back from a trip out somewhere, but didn't eat them for a reason which now escapes me.

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I'm not a great fan of salads, but throw a handful of toasted pine nuts at a sald and I'm in like Flynn.

Does anyone know if they're from a particular breed of pine tree or whether our native trees produce them? I extracted a few a while back from a pinecone we'd fetched back from a trip out somewhere, but didn't eat them for a reason which now escapes me.

.........and here's me thinking you knew everything about everything!...............30k posts and just discovered pine nuts ?
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Love pinenuts and could eat them by the bucketload straight from the packet - also delicious toasted and scattered on salads, ground in a pestle with torn fresh basil leaves, olive oil and grated fresh parmesan to make home made pesto, added to to tabouleh or any rice or pasta based salads.


They cost the earth though and have to be bought and used sparingly. I too have been known to crack open fallen pine cones looking for them, although I've never found any yet!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I didn't know where pine nuts where from so I googled.


I learned something too. When I worked in Pakistan I was often offered Chilgoza nuts. I had no idea what they were, but they were a tasty snack.


Turns out they're the same thing and the edible pine nut is from the Chilgoza Pine.

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