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Employment cap reached

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I have, you are correct in that, I shall try and refrain from posting when in a rush.




You do come out with some ridiculous statements based on total ignorance.


Oh wait, that was your first sentence in reply to my post, seems I wasn't the first.


As to your follow up examples, and Bargepole will agree with me on this: those systems you mention all lead to more work, not less. It is called the productivity paradox.


To put it in simple terms: there used to be a day and age where 100 professions/job-types could provide all the work needed. But then we became more and more clever and invented new professions as we went along. We went from monks who served our holy needs as well as being our writers, lawmakers and historians to developing authors, a legal system, an expanded clergy and historians, archaeologists and so on. Follow that trend long enough and you get to the paradox that even with more people available you do not have enough people to do all the work required. That is the situation the UK is finding itself in now and what the original post is about. So ignoring your initial attack (that I am responsible for due to not formulating my thought process appropriately), perhaps we can now have a sensible discussion on the topic?


you've started a ridiculous thread based on utter nonsense and now folk are pointing it out you are loosing your rag.


keep digging. that hole you are in is getting deeper and deeper. incidentally i visited a steel manufacturer several years ago and revisited fairly recently. they now make more steel but with around 20% of the manpower.

Edited by drummonds
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you've started a ridiculous thread based on utter nonsense and now folk are pointing it out you are loosing your rag.


keep digging. that hole you are in is getting deeper and deeper. incidentally i visited a steel manufacturer several years ago and revisited fairly recently. they now make more steel but with around 20% of the manpower.


It seems to me you are losing your rag? This isn't a ridiculous thread, it is reality. The UK has reached a cap on employment, it was discussed in quite clear terms yesterday on the radio and the telly.


If you want to discuss the initial post, feel free to. If you just want to keep attacking me here, feel free to, it is a public forum after all. But don't use one-liners about steel manufacturers when it is clear you don't understand what you are talking about.


Have a smiley to avoid you getting upset: :)

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