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Bird Flu in the north

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The village where I now live in the North East is very concerned about the spread of "Avian Flu" mainly on the local duck pond..So a party of local gents (including myself) have volunteered to stake out the pond and keep a careful eye out for any sick looking ducks.........Luckily there is a pub called "the unicorn" situated about 30 yards from this pond and we are going to do the monitoring with binoculars from the Taproom window...We all have to do our bit.

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Avian Influenza Update


In light of the recent confirmed case of avian influenza Sheffield City Council are issuing the following advice to the public.


If you find one or more dead swans or waterfowl, more than 3 dead birds of the same species or more than 5 dead birds of a different species in the same place you should report this to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) as soon as possible on 08459 335577. Further information is available on the Defra website.


Environment and Regulatory Services in Sheffield is responsible for the notification and enforcement of animal disease and will be ensuring that proper controls are in place. If you would like any further advice please contact them on 07879 651762.



Taken from the homepage of Sheffield council's website.


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