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Daily Fail readers in frenzy of stupidity

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Charlie Brooker has an amusing piece here in the Guardian. To summarise, the Fail published research suggesting a link between lower intelligence and right wing views. The readers went into a frenzy of stupidity in response. Booker is as entertaining as ever. Read it - http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/feb/05/daily-mail-calls-rightwingers-stupid

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Its the Daily Mail. If you're are taking the moral high ground at least use the real name.


---------- Post added 16-07-2015 at 17:22 ----------


I agree it makes some good points but its full of pointless bitterness.

And no i dont read the Mail. I wouldnt even wipe my arse with it.

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[/color]I agree it makes some good points but its full of pointless bitterness.

And no i dont read the Mail. I wouldnt even wipe my arse with it.


I don't think the points are important..they're as obvious as an obvious thingy. Booker just has a knack of attacking or ridiculing with satire...although some may read it as 'bitterness'..then again the right are a bit short on humour, unless it's force fed via Jim Davidson, who ironically is one of the most bitter individuals on the planet.

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Leftie comedians aren't funny though. And lefties really aren't that bright, if they were, they wouldn't be on the left.


Oh I don't know, I read an article in the daily mirror or should that now now be the faily mirror ?


Think it was by somebody called Kelvin McKenzie but not certain , his line was something like "since the Tories FLUKED the election" I had a good old chuckle at that.

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I don't think the points are important..they're as obvious as an obvious thingy. Booker just has a knack of attacking or ridiculing with satire...although some may read it as 'bitterness'..then again the right are a bit short on humour, unless it's force fed via Jim Davidson, who ironically is one of the most bitter individuals on the planet.


He could well have been ridiculing with satire, this is the first piece of his ive ever read. If thats the case i take it back by my point with the name still stands.

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Leftie comedians aren't funny though.


Left-wing comedians have been redundant since you started posting on here.


And lefties really aren't that bright, if they were, they wouldn't be on the left.


I am a Conservative left winger. Although I disagree with most lefties on many things I do believe in most of what they believe in in spirit if not in practice.


Just fancy that.

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Leftie comedians aren't funny though. And lefties really aren't that bright, if they were, they wouldn't be on the left.


You so fortify the case that the right are humourless.:hihi:

... so leftie comedians aren't funny, and the right are humourless? :huh:


I guess that explains then why the forum is a barrel of laughs these days! :(

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In typical hypocritical lefty fashion these socialists look down on people, the same people who when it suits them, they claim to support. The irony of the left eh ..... and they wonder why the Labour party is now a laughing stock and that working class people can't stand them.

As for the educated numpties and humourless dullards known as the Guardianista with their sugar coated, spiteful, middle class socialist agendas they really are an embarrassment :D

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