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Daily Fail readers in frenzy of stupidity

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In typical hypocritical lefty fashion these socialists look down on people, the same people who when it suits them, they claim to support. The irony of the left eh ..... and they wonder why the Labour party is now a laughing stock and that working class people can't stand them.

As for the educated numpties and humourless dullards known as the Guardianista with their sugar coated, spiteful, middle class socialist agendas they really are an embarrassment :D

One man's educated numpty is another man's humourless dullard... ;)

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... so leftie comedians aren't funny, and the right are humourless? :huh:


I guess that explains then why the forum is a barrel of laughs these days! :(


of course lefties have a sense of humour. they appointed ed miliband as leader and let him lead them into a general election. i nearly wet my pants at that one.

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of course lefties have a sense of humour. they appointed ed miliband as leader and let him lead them into a general election. i nearly wet my pants at that one.


And even funnier, they might soon be electing idiotic Marxist Corbyn as their leader, now that will be funny.

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