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How Far Can We Become Self Sufficient At Home?

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I grow some vegetables and fruits in the garden , would love to try my hand at livestock ( chickens ) but no room for it. Solar panels on the roof ( work to a point ) what else have you tried , did it work ,help towards lowering your cost of living, any ideas?

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I can't grow owt in me garden; it must be an ancient Indian burial ground or summat.


Everything I grow dies within weeks.


If I had to be self-sufficient, I'd have died of starvation years ago :|

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I can't grow owt in me garden; it must be an ancient Indian burial ground or summat.


Everything I grow dies within weeks.


If I had to be self-sufficient, I'd have died of starvation years ago :|


Me too. Had a go last year at growing some veg, but the slugs enjoyed it more than I did...

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I keep saying I will have a go but never get round to it.


Is this country suppose to be sixty percept sufficient? The way things are going I think we should be more efficient. We are told that if we leave the EU food will be more expensive. Also I have read were a Billion pound of food was destroyed in one year because of EU migrants getting into the lorries. Once they get into these lorries the food has got to be destroyed and this is putting food prices up.


I might have a go at growing something in pots, but not sure what. It might make me feel I am doing my bit.

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Growing anything is a learning curve, I'm only a amateur gardener something's work others not.I really do think that children need to learn how to grow vegetables and fruits. One food is not cheap if it is it's probably poor quality, two homegrown is more healthy no chemicals sprayed on them I only use organic pest controls. A tip for you if your cucumbers look sorry for themselves put some Epson salts in the watering can it gives them a boost. Slugs a problem put some coal dust around the plants.

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