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Considering setting up a charity helping children in Africa

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£Billions of aid is already given to Africa each year most never reaches those that it is intended for, corrupt leaders and local officials fiddle a very high percentage, also top execs in some of these charities are nearing six figure salaries.


Wasn't it on the news recently that 30% of the money sent to Sierra Leon to combat Ebola has magically vanished??


---------- Post added 22-07-2015 at 11:21 ----------


Instead of monetary aid we should send agricultural machinery, seed for crop planting, irrigation equipment, all the general paraphernalia required to allow these unfortunate people a chance to feed themselves.


You are assuming that this have never been tried before??

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... well if Bob Geldof can do it... ;)

The Ethiopians did nothing to help their own, Adis Ababa (spelling) capital of Ethiopia was shown to be a normal bustling large city at the time of 'Band Aid' the truth is that their leaders laugh at us dishing all that money out each year to fill Swiss Bank accounts.

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Are you sure that you're going to have enough to time to commit to this project with your other projects still on the go, like getting your travel business off the ground, the road trip around Europe and your new band that you're trying to put together?



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If we have, it has not made much of a difference has it?.




My uncle worked in Africa (quite some time ago).

He watched the farming machinery come in and be unloaded at the docks.

It then sat there rusting away in the dockyard, until finally it was dragged off for scrap.

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The OP once started a Thread about the Disintegration of a Broken Continent.....if any Continent's broken it's Africa.

No matter how much money you give ( certainly sub- Saharan) Africa it'll be wasted,stolen, trousered by those in charge.

The only thing certain in Africa is, apart from the climate and scenery, that by next year everything else will be worse - infrastructure, poverty,corruption, disease etc.

I'm afraid the answer lies with the Africans themselves and chucking money at them doesn't work as the last 70 years has proved.

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why dont you start a factory so those people can work for the money instead of begging all the time. make them work for $2-3 an hour. if they was really that hungrey and desperate you will have a massive cheap workforce. those are just lazy people always beg and not do a honest days work

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Africa is the most fertile place in the world, yet they sit there waiting for floods and famine. These adverts where a young girl walks miles to get dirty water, why don't the family move to the water source and surely everybody knows about boiling dirty water. There's never a shortage of kids though.

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I am British originally from Africa, I have been sooo lucky since I was born.

I feel I need to do something to help those unlucky folks … maybe something to do with education, awareness, water, health .. etc … there are many beautiful ideas and worthy causes


So I am looking for suggestions .., ideas … advice …. helpers … those who might wish to take part in the project

I have no illusion I know it is a challenge but a sweet one … I have some recent experience … thanks to Radio Sheffield, in a short time a lot was achieved


My love to Sheffield is so huge and never ends … I want to give some of it to Africa … would you help?




If you really are from Africa (which country are you from?)you would know Africa is corrupt, corrupt to the core. Government ministers wearing Rolex watches, driving Mercedes, have house's in Paris and London, while sending their children for private education in Switzerland.

Africa & the Middle east needs freedom from corruption. They dont need our money, or aid or well "meaning people" or( "scammers") whatever you are?:suspect:like you... They need a concerted effort like our war against terrorism to stop corruption and corrupt leaders. Leave them no dark alley, secret account or anonymous company to hide behind, and shut down banks who take in millions of dirty money from people who cant fully explain how they came by it


If you are genuine and want to help get over their and start up an anti corruption campaign financed by your own hard earned not somebody elses ;)


I guarantee it will be a sweet one:thumbsup:

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