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Operation Jade Helm 15

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The shooting in Chattanooga is the first but wont be the last.

Of course IS or some lone wolf will be blamed but anyone with any sense knows IS and lone wolves are not responsible.

My American friend (tutor) has said several members of his family and around half of his friends have all either left already or are making plans to leave the states.

Its getting grim and will only get worse.


(Notice to one member on here. Please feel free to disagree or even attack my post however do NOT attack me, You know who you are)




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What do you think operation Jade Helm 15 is Timeh?


The shooting in Chattanooga is the first but wont be the last.

Of course IS or some lone wolf will be blamed but anyone with any sense knows IS and lone wolves are not responsible.


So, who is responsible, and how do you know?

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instead you are asking. why not google it. if you find it hard to read. youtube it


This is a discussion forum, I don't come here for youtube links I come here to discuss things. I'm trying to get the OP to discuss the topic. He's clearly insinuating that it's something sinister.


Perhaps you'll play, what do you think it is? And How do you know?

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if you watch the video and still dont understand. i am sorry but i cant educate someone that dumb


I haven't watched the video, I don't trust Putin's propaganda channel.


Are you afraid to actually write down what you think? Want to remain really vague so that people don't mock you?

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I haven't watched the video, I don't trust Putin's propaganda channel.


Are you afraid to actually write down what you think? Want to remain really vague so that people don't mock you?


It is a forum-rule that a post referring to an external source should still explain what the post/external source is about, I am with Jimmy, as soon as I saw that it was RT I just sighed.

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