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Parents skip meals so as kids can eat.

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Poverty is political.


Look at Africa. For years we believed starvation etc was down to drought and poor harvests. Yet they can build pipelines across the desert to fuel fancy fountains in Las Vegas, but not to bring clean drinking water to Africans and for irrigation projects.


Africa is rich in natural resources and should be well able to afford such projects, but many of the resources are owned by large foreign corporations thanks to land grabs, empire building, and corrupt deals.


The point I am making is poverty can happen anywhere. It all depends on politics and political will. We are being conned into voting for our own destruction.

Is Las Vegas in Africa?
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Whilst there is a tiny bit of corruption in the UK it is nothing like that on the African continent. Nothing close.

The expenses scandal was minuscule in real terms and not relevant to poverty by any measurable amount.

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Whilst there is a tiny bit of corruption in the UK it is nothing like that on the African continent. Nothing close.

The expenses scandal was minuscule in real terms and not relevant to poverty by any measurable amount.


What do you mean by 'miniscule in real terms'?


It was an earthquake in terms of undermining trust in the government, (and I don't think they have recovered since.) The money wasn't the issue, but the lengths they went to to cover it up and the lack of prosecutions certainly were.


Almost every MP was involved. Is that 'a tiny bit of corruption'? Or is it just the bit we found out about? These same MPs, who do little to recover tax from multi-millionaires but will pillory ordinary people for tiny amounts, impose austerity on us whilst taking a 10% pay increase.... MPs with their over weening sense of entitlement..


These MPs who are mired in the Westminster sex abuse scandal, not necessarily for paedophile activity, but for turning a blind eye to it, and actively going to great lengths to cover it up...

The dodgy dealing MPs like Malcolm Rifkind, exposed as selling his influence to the highest bidder, and no doubt there are others who haven't been caught. MPs caught out in lies and scandals that mysteriously fade off the front pages with little or no consequences... and yet they still try to muzzle the press and investigative journalists with new rules and sanctions...


And that's just the corruption we know about...


Please would you define 'a tiny bit of corruption' and how you know it's 'tiny'?How big do you think it should be allowed to get before something is done about it?

Edited by Anna B
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