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Doorstep Chugging

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Why be peaceful about it? It's much more fun to make the little gits squirm...


IMO A total peaeful Non Aggression Priniple (NAP) is always the best option, even when you are dealing with the very worst manifestations of modern ivilisation.

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For those of you like me who despise chuggers and resent your home personal space being invaded by these parasites, here's an amusing peaceful technique we all should use to spook them and ensure they're unlikely to ever return.



I think its a shame that young people wanting to go out and earn money have to go through these kinds of sales tactics brought upon by dodgy employers . these young people will probably be on a zero hours contract/ agency type work all to save business money. instead of knocking the young in trying to find (work) lets us know what the company said when you quizzed them on their underhand practises :roll:

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I think its a shame that young people wanting to go out and earn money have to go through these kinds of sales tactics brought upon by dodgy employers . these young people will probably be on a zero hours contract/ agency type work all to save business money. instead of knocking the young in trying to find (work) lets us know what the company said when you quizzed them on their underhand practises :roll:


We don't often agree, but we do on this.


For many kids these jobs are the easiest to get, so they get them. They really shouldn't but they can't help themselves because it has the 'promise' of good money (woohoo I am going to earn 16,50 an hour! All I have to do is get 3 people to sign the form!).


I used to have certain... techniques. But these days it is a courteous: No thanks. And a closed door.

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I think its a shame that young people wanting to go out and earn money have to go through these kinds of sales tactics brought upon by dodgy employers . these young people will probably be on a zero hours contract/ agency type work all to save business money. instead of knocking the young in trying to find (work) lets us know what the company said when you quizzed them on their underhand practises :roll:


I sadly work in the same building as one of the main companies that sends these kids out. (If anyone wants details to send thank you letters, glitter bombs or anything else, just ask).


They are, without a doubt, the most obnoxious company I have ever worked near. They simply do not care about anyone, and are proud of their tactics. We often hear them laughing and praising themselves on the systems they use to elicit money from people and their "motivational talks", all carried out with doors open so others in the building can hear, are hideous. The management are also some of the rudest, most disrespectful people I have ever had the misfortune to meet.


Just thought I'd share that!

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