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Atheism the Belief

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I will stick to being an atheist,and it is not a belief,religion is a belief.I look at hard evidence and science instead of the system of you just have to believe.Religion is on a winner to be honest,it controls a fair proportion of the worlds population and lets be honest there is no way anybody is going to be able to argue that they were conned in to believing it.Very clever way of controlling the masses to be honest.Its like having a bet on the end of the world,you will never be able to collect your winnings.And for some reason peace loving religious people absolutely hate people who are non religious.Peace loving my backside,there are religious people knocking seven bells out of each other all over the world as I write this.

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I may consider myself as atheist, however just thinking about the sun recently (like you do) - one might consider this as the giver of life, or what one might perceive as a god. Were the roman Egyptians correct, pointing their pyramids at "gods" aka stars. The problem with beliefs is the fact they are taught by someone who was taught by someone else, Chinese whispers if you like. Modern day religion therefore us unlikely to be anything like thousands of years ago.

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I may consider myself as atheist, however just thinking about the sun recently (like you do) - one might consider this as the giver of life, or what one might perceive as a god. Were the roman Egyptians correct, pointing their pyramids at "gods" aka stars. The problem with beliefs is the fact they are taught by someone who was taught by someone else, Chinese whispers if you like. Modern day religion therefore us unlikely to be anything like thousands of years ago.


The sun is a key part of life but if you have the five basic elements you will have life in some form,carbon,oxygen,hydrogen,nitrogen and sulphur are necessary for life to form.Life almost certainly exists in the universe other than earth.From earth and the space telescopes in orbit millions of galaxys and planets that have the same properties as earth are visible.One day we will be able to find life,there is a planet in the Andromeda galaxy which has all the necessary requirements for life but is so close to our galaxy but yet so far.Even at lightspeed it would take 300 years to get there.One day we will get there and find life and finally put religion to bed.

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In simpler terms then, reality is quite literally what you make of it.


The trouble is, within organised religion, reality for many is what an unelected figurehead makes of it.


(But yes, it's still down to the individuals to accept that or not, if they dare)

Edited by RootsBooster
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