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The greatest threat to Israel?

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and under the current regime....................


Difficult to tell exactly but I'm sure its only a fraction of the $billions the Shah and his Pahlavi clan made. Under his regime corruption and also the drug trade, especially heroine was a good way to gain wealth. All that collapsed because of the revolution and was one reason why the revolution started in the first place.

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to return to the actual topic which is about the religous vs. secular faultline in Israeli society, it is definitely one of the, if not the 'greatest threat(s)' Israel faces.


a few months ago I was in south east Asia and came across a couple of Israeli seculars at a bar in a scuba-diving resort where they were on holiday. One of them was in his mid 30s, the other was a young lad who as I saw at a glance was getting ready to go into the army the next week. We started discussing things (Israelis are always ready to talk/discuss/argue ; it is one of their features as a nationality). Like most seculars they were pretty annoyed at the increased religiosity of the country, complaining that religous people didn't do enough, they were expected to pay for them to indulge themselves, and so on. I said Israel is a young country but if it is around long enough they will presumably face the same kind of threats other countries have faced, like the prospect of a civil war. After all most countries have had a civil war of some sort, like the English civil war, American civil war, why not - decades from now - the Israeli civil war? Is that possible? Of course it is. Over time, it's very possible.


I said that in the future it is not totally, utterly inconceivable that what happened in Algeria in the 1990s might happen in Israel in the far future. Religous parties make electoral gains over time and finally win an election. The Army, dominated by seculars, refuses to accept result and stages coup. Civil war results. This is not going to happen next year or even in the next generation or two generations. But in the longer term, it is not quite a long shot as all that.

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Difficult to tell exactly but I'm sure its only a fraction of the $billions the Shah and his Pahlavi clan made. Under his regime corruption and also the drug trade, especially heroine was a good way to gain wealth. All that collapsed because of the revolution and was one reason why the revolution started in the first place.


Iran has a massive heroin problem now - you do realise that right???

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Iran has a massive heroin problem now - you do realise that right???


Yes.. but..


I was talking about the heroin that was produced in Iran and sold to outsiders to profit the corrupt government and officials in the time of the Shah. Since the revolution home produced heroin has almost been eradicated because it now carries the death penalty. The heroin problem they have now is a result of heroin and opium that is imported and produced in Afghanistan, not Iran.

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More proof of Israel hate with these extremists not satisfied in taking the land..want lives.:(


A one-and-a-half year-old Palestinian infant was burned to death and three of his family members were seriously wounded early Friday morning after a house was set on fire in the West Bank village of Douma, near Nablus.


According to witnesses, at roughly 4 A.M. Friday morning, two masked men arrived at two homes in the village of Douma, not far from the settlement of Migdalim. They sprayed painted graffiti reading "revenge" and "long live the Messiah" in Hebrew, breaking the windows of the homes and throwing two firebombs inside.


The Israel Defense Forces subsequently confirmed that 18-month-old Ali died in the attack, and that Jewish extremists are suspected to be behind the attack.




Hardly made the news..instead the world is crying over Cecil the Lion..

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Thousands across Israel protest violence, incitement

Uncle of murdered 18-month-old Ali Saad Dawabsheh speaks at Rabin Square:




"Flames have engulfed our country," President Reuven Rivlin said at the rally in Jerusalem's Zion Square. "Flames of violence, flames of hatred, flames of false, distorted and twisted beliefs. Flames which permit bloodshed in the name of the Torah, in the name of the law, in the name of morality, in the name of a love for the land of Israel. "

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