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Syria travellers, Why Should We Care.

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The main worry is they might travel over there, take a master class in building bombs and being a thoroughly nasty piece of work - and then use their UK passport to come home and bring the horrors of war with them.


---------- Post added 20-07-2015 at 13:27 ----------


I agree though, if they travel over there to join the terrorists they should have their passport cancelled or something.


The Australians have gone as far as cancelling their citizenship and breaking UN law.


which is why the minute they fly to Syria their British passport should be revoked and entry back into the UK permanently refused.


I dont care about all the cobblers about them being a British citizen ,and their so called Human rights , once they decide to go and join that group of morons ,they should automatically be banned from ever setting foot on British soil again.


---------- Post added 23-07-2015 at 23:11 ----------


So when they get caught in Syria, and Syria want to deport them, where do they deport them too?


who cares , if we refuse them entry back here , syria will have to find somewhere else to volley them to.

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who cares , if we refuse them entry back here , syria will have to find somewhere else to volley them to.


Hypothetically speaking - I bet you'd care, if some other countries took the same attitude towards us and we're not be able to deport our criminals and terrorists.

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The following comment is from someone who posted on The Huffington Post.


Think it was brilliant and spot on.


I've served 21 yrs in the US Army and this is what I've come to realize:

--The CIA and Special Forces helped train the Mujhideen (future Taliban and Al-Qaeda leaders) in the 1980s to fight against the Russian armies.

--The CIA and Special Forces helped train Saddam's Military...primarily Sunnis (future ISIS fighters) in the 1980s to fight against Iran

--In the 1980s and 1990s, CIA, Special Forces and the Fort Benning School of Americas helped train Salvadorans and Nicaraguans (future Death Squads and Contra fighters)

--In 2003, we began training Afghans (future Taliban) to fight against Al-Qaeda (which we originally trained)

--In 2006, we began training Iraqis...primarily Shiites (future Hezbollah fighters) to fight against Al-Qaeda (which we originally trained)

--In 2012, we began training Syrian rebels (future ISIL fighters) to fight against Bashar AlAssad

--In 2014, we began training more Syrians to fight against ISIS...many of which will switch sides in the future and fight against us and our allies


Basically, we have a history of training future Terrorists. I personally have trained future terrorists at the Fort Benning School of Americas, in Iraq, and in Afghanistan. Of course, at the time we were just doing what we were told...to train them to fight our current enemies. Little did we know that they would become our future enemies.


ISIS is just the new flavor of the month that we prodded by way of CIA and Special Forces. ISIS Soldiers are basically Sunnis who we trained in the past. The Government used the media by releasing the fake beheadings of journalists to garner support...mainly from the gullible Westerners. This is their way of manufacturing Wars. The Government will do this until the end of time. The reason why they love to go to War is because the vast majority of politicians have Defense stocks and because the big wigs...their masters...make Billions off of Wars. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee. Don't be a sucker again by supporting sending ground troops....it's a waste of time, money and lives.

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That is not was meant and you know it I'm sure.


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 15:16 ----------


My bold= We should not have to integrate them, it is their duty to make every effort to integrate to our ways


...and what if they're made to feel like second rate citizens, regardless of what they do?


---------- Post added 24-07-2015 at 13:48 ----------


As far as I am aware, Australia has not yet revoked any such citizenship.

They do have a bill in parliament that, if passed, would allow revocation of citizenship from a dual national i.e. noone would be left stateless.


You need to be very careful with such idea, because if other states reciprocate, you could be left with undesirable aliens that you cannot deport.


That's why I asked the question in the first place, because of the problems that would arise if we (or anyone) were to make people stateless.

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