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No benefit entitlement for under 25s : so what happens to them ?

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Could someone tell me exactly what would happen to an under 25 year old person when they`re no longer entitled to housing benefit ?

Let`s assume they don`t get on with their parents, or their parents don`t get on with them, or their parents move to the other end of the country, or their parents have died etc etc.

Bearing in mind that unemployment amongst the under 25s is the highest and even if they could get a job their pay is the lowest (not covered by the minimum wage etc) how would they get any accommodation ?


I`ll lay my cards on the table, I`m far from being a left winger, but I think it completely absurd that any benefits should be withdrawn for people under 25. That`s implying they`re not independent adults, and they`re totally dependent on their parents ! Yet they`re old enough to be called up to fight in a war in the (admittedly highly unlikely) event that was ever required, and given the vote etc etc as full members of society. But why stop at 25 anyway ? Why not make it 35 or even 45 ? ! ? If the Tories consider that people should rely on their parents to support them what`s the magic figure of 25 got to do with the price of fish ?

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Couldn't agree more.


And I believe (no doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong,) if they're not in receipt of benefits, then this, the largest group of unemployed, don't appear in the unemployment statistics.


Yep, It's a double whammy...Loads suddenly disappearing off the unemployment figures and they don't have to pay out HB to them either...


Then the gov't will start crowing about unemployment shrinking and how much they've saved from the benefits system. :suspect:

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No address , no JSA or any other benefits so the government saves even more money win win for the government meanwhile the homelessness figures rise but who cares. I hope the people who voted in the general election for the Tories can sleep at night knowing their vote as put an under 25 year old on the streets. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Cameron's Britain !

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Homelessness in America is rising fast. Entire communities made up of tents and shacks are springing up across the country.

The same thing will happen here if this goes ahead.


What with the 'if this goes ahead'...I don't think there's any 'if' about it. It's more a question of when.

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