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No benefit entitlement for under 25s : so what happens to them ?

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As I said before there are lots of jobs. Just people too lazy to do it. McDonald's , kfc, bookies etc are always hiring, just too many people think they are too good for it. Be good for country when the young dumb kids get use to work for a living


God help us if McDonalds and KFC are going to sort out youth unemployment...You are aware how much they pay?...Could you run a home and live on that wage?

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As I said before there are lots of jobs. Just people too lazy to do it. McDonald's , kfc, bookies etc are always hiring, just too many people think they are too good for it. Be good for country when the young dumb kids get use to work for a living


There aren't enough jobs at KFC and McDonalds for all of them, but even if there were, how could they afford a flat or whatever on less than the minimum wage (which doesn`t apply to people under 25 or 21 or whatever it is) ?

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do you know how to use calculator? £6.50 × 40 hours is £260- £20 for tax and ni.

you still have £240. my 3 bedroom house in a average are is rented out at £105 aweek. if they share the house with 2 mates . it will only cost them £35 aweek.

bet you dont have a degree in accountant

once those jobs fills up then the economy will improve and other places will start employing again

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do you know how to use calculator? £6.50 × 40 hours is £260- £20 for tax and ni.

you still have £240. my 3 bedroom house in a average are is rented out at £105 aweek. if they share the house with 2 mates . it will only cost them £35 aweek.

bet you dont have a degree in accountant

once those jobs fills up then the economy will improve and other places will start employing again


£20...Tax and insurance?....Get a grip!....Have you looked at the houses for rent just on this forum?...You're living in fairy tale land....

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Could someone tell me exactly what would happen to an under 25 year old person when they`re no longer entitled to housing benefit ?

Let`s assume they don`t get on with their parents, or their parents don`t get on with them, or their parents move to the other end of the country, or their parents have died etc etc.

Bearing in mind that unemployment amongst the under 25s is the highest and even if they could get a job their pay is the lowest (not covered by the minimum wage etc) how would they get any accommodation ?


I`ll lay my cards on the table, I`m far from being a left winger, but I think it completely absurd that any benefits should be withdrawn for people under 25. That`s implying they`re not independent adults, and they`re totally dependent on their parents ! Yet they`re old enough to be called up to fight in a war in the (admittedly highly unlikely) event that was ever required, and given the vote etc etc as full members of society. But why stop at 25 anyway ? Why not make it 35 or even 45 ? ! ? If the Tories consider that people should rely on their parents to support them what`s the magic figure of 25 got to do with the price of fish ?


its unfair.


there old enough to pay taxes, fight in wars, contribute in every way. its vital younger people have money to put aside for pensions and savings to keep them in old age too (the age of pensions going up). Taking away any safety net just means they have less should things go wrong.


i really dont understand the mentality of this government i really dont.:(

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£20 for Tax and Ni? what the f...lol no.


Lets say £260 a week x 4 weeks = £1,040 before tax/ni


£1,040 x 12 = £12,480. As I can't do free pay etc off the top of my head for tax (although standard tax code this year is 1060L (so you don't pay tax on your first £10,060 pounds give or take), but the allowance is split down per month.


So that's about 838 per month £1040-838 = 202 * 20% = £40 tax roughly speaking


NI will be around the same mark.


Oh and don't forget the work place pension they have to pay.

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