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No benefit entitlement for under 25s : so what happens to them ?

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£260 a week will give you £236 take home...


Despite the disagreement with numbers, do people realise McDonalds are probably the worst employers in the UK for using '0' hours contracts?....So the numbers simply don't add up anyway when applying them to McD's



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Surely it's just the government laying the ground for another law change.


Make it a requirement in law that you support your child till age 21, so even if you kick them out of the house you then have to provide the housing instead of the state.

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Surely it's just the government laying the ground for another law change.


Make it a requirement in law that you support your child till age 21, so even if you kick them out of the house you then have to provide the housing instead of the state.


Don't give them ideas....They have quite enough hair-brained ideas as it is...


Anyway, it still wouldn't work...and certainly not retrospectively

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Oh yes, I forgot the Government is also finding squillions to enable Housing Assoc tenants to buy their houses at a huge discount !

Question : is there anyone in favour of that policy (apart from Housing assoc tenants who want to buy their house at a big discount.....) ?


Good question. I can't think that many people think this is a good idea, and surely there aren't enough HA tenants in a position to buy their house to make it much of a vote winner.


The only reason I can think is that it's part of an ideological drive to eventually abolish all social housing, ignoring the reasons why it was introduced in the first place (Victorian slum anyone?)

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Good question. I can't think that many people think this is a good idea, and surely there aren't enough HA tenants in a position to buy their house to make it much of a vote winner.


The only reason I can think is that it's part of an ideological drive to eventually abolish all social housing, ignoring the reasons why it was introduced in the first place (Victorian slum anyone?)


To be frank I`m not even sure the Tories thought it a good idea. I reckon they just came up with a load of targeted policies (to increase their vote) and never thought they`d have to enact them. They could just blame the Liberals for blocking them. The problem was the Liberals didn`t get enough seats to have any influence whatsoever. I`m sure the Liberals would also have blocked a huge increase in the inheritance tax threshold and abolition of benefits for under 21s etc etc. I don`t know about you but I`m already looking back to the Lib Con coalition as almost a Golden Age, certainly compared to what we`ve got.....

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During all this argument, VITAL things have been missed..


say they do have ~£200 / week after tax/NI


Then, deduct


- Rent (average private rent, single bedroom flat is around £380 / month)

- Council tax (about £60 / month... mines £84)

- Water (if not included in rent - £8 / week)

- Gas and Electric (average £50 / month combined)

- Land Line/TV/internet (anywhere between £20-£50 / month)

- Mobile (£10-£40 / month)


Then take Travel, and other expenses for work (work clothes etc)


Really doesn't leave a lot....

Edited by Ghozer
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Well no it doesn't by your maths they're hundred of pounds out of pocket every month.


not out of pocket, just not much left.... did you actually work it out?


it's enough left to live, but forget saving or doing anything extra...

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Well it is certainly possible my daughter has friends of the ages 19/20 that have low income jobs but share flats houses quite happily with money to spare for nights out. Don't forget most of us on here started out on low income when we had our first jobs thats just how it goes. You move your way up the ladder as you get older and more experienced. The trouble with people these days they want to leave school and be handed a high paid job on a plate, reality check that really isn't going to happen most of the time.

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