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Is being Fat/Overweight more likely to affect working class ?

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Conversely, many teenage scrotes and scallies seem to have about as much fat on them as a cold chip. Maybe it's all the weed they smoke? Perhaps someone should do a study?


No Chance. When ive had weed ive always got the munchies afterwards. I put on some serious weight so gave the bush the push :(

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People from ALL social classes can be any of the following:



*disregard for their health

*do little to no exercise

*have an under functioning thyroid

*have an emotional/mental health disorder which means they eat too much

*have a physical disability which means they can’t move very well


It has nothing to do with class, in my opinion. I do agree that higher numbers of obese people tend to be from the poorer and working classes though. Perhaps it is an education or upbringing problem? Parents not teaching them well enough about health, or not setting a good enough example? Maybe in some families, a tendency to be larger extends through several generations.

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People from ALL social classes can be any of the following:



*disregard for their health

*do little to no exercise

*have an under functioning thyroid

*have an emotional/mental health disorder which means they eat too much

*have a physical disability which means they can’t move very well


It has nothing to do with class, in my opinion. I do agree that higher numbers of obese people tend to be from the poorer and working classes though. Perhaps it is an education or upbringing problem? Parents not teaching them well enough about health, or not setting a good enough example? Maybe in some families, a tendency to be larger extends through several generations.


Could that be because the working class make up the biggest social group? Serious question. There are certainly more people on £20,000 than £50,000.

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People from ALL social classes can be any of the following:



*disregard for their health

*do little to no exercise

*have an under functioning thyroid

*have an emotional/mental health disorder which means they eat too much

*have a physical disability which means they can’t move very well


It has nothing to do with class, in my opinion. I do agree that higher numbers of obese people tend to be from the poorer and working classes though. Perhaps it is an education or upbringing problem? Parents not teaching them well enough about health, or not setting a good enough example? Maybe in some families, a tendency to be larger extends through several generations.


Upbringing and education.


Who teaches Kylie and Lee from the council estate to cook these days.....

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Could that be because the working class make up the biggest social group? Serious question. There are certainly more people on £20,000 than £50,000.


That’s a fair point. However, it appears from this factsheet: http://www.noo.org.uk/uploads/doc/vid_16966_AdultSocioeconSep2012.pdf although it is slightly out of date (2012), that the number of people within the social class itself is accounted for. So there is a higher percentage of unskilled/semi-skilled people (mainly women if I’m reading those charts accurately) that are obese compared with the percentage of professional people that are obese.


This would indicate that it is indeed related to income/education.

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Statistically, those with more income and higher levels of education are less likely to be overweight, but that doesn't answer the question really as there are wider reasons why people may have lower educational levels or be in low paid jobs.

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I remember when I was a child. Out all day cycling, building dens, playing on the railway embankment, leaping down hills, riding my go-kart.


OK I may have bashed my head and bit through my tongue requiring stitching but at least I wasn't overweight.


Too many other non physical activities for kids these days, computers, smart phones, tv etc. That sets people off being fat/overweight from an early age and once you are a bit tubby it's hard work and requires willpower to do something about it. And some people don't have the willpower, no matter what the background.


Where I work there are (relatively) highly paid professionals who are heart attacks waiting to happen. They'll blame lack of time to exercise, or a stressful job that requires a relaxing bottle of Shiraz every night, or a love of good food.


Still just as obese as someone with no job, hours of time on their hands and no money for expensive Shiraz or fine dining.

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This thread needs the OP to define 'working class'. It's shark infested territory.


The human digestion system is a fantastic process and it can handle a almost anything, within reason. It's the amount of work its given to do is the problem. AND when its overloaded it matters what it is overloaded with.


My philosophy is what goes in must be used up. That's why I'm always at the gym, out on my bike and at parkrun every Saturday at 9am. It allow's me to enjoy wine and beer and fish and chips on a friday.

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