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Fat Pride or no Pride?

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Being black / gay / disabled isn't a choice and the abuse these folk get is appalling..


If you are fat and you don't like being called names then lose weight!! eat less, move more.


Some of us are overweight because of our disabilities you know ;) In my case it's really hard to exercise when I've only got one working limb, and the thyroid problems, steroids and other medications which cause weight gain as a side effect mean that after months on

1250 calories a day I have lost absolutely no weight at all.

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Some of us are overweight because of our disabilities you know ;) In my case it's really hard to exercise when I've only got one working limb, and the thyroid problems, steroids and other medications which cause weight gain as a side effect mean that after months on

1250 calories a day I have lost absolutely no weight at all.


I understand that medusa - and I have already said aside from those with weight issues through medical reasons the majority of overweight people are just lazy and surely cannot expect to feel victimised the same as someone who is abused because of their race/sex/disability.


Absolutely not.

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Adults should know better, but I know from experience schools come down harder on racism than any other form of name calling. Does not help at all at a younger age being taught one group is more important than another. Creates resentment later on!

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Some of us are overweight because of our disabilities you know ;) In my case it's really hard to exercise when I've only got one working limb, and the thyroid problems, steroids and other medications which cause weight gain as a side effect mean that after months on

1250 calories a day I have lost absolutely no weight at all.


Ahhhh, that explains your other post. Obviously id accidentally hit a nerve which is the reason you felt justified in having a pop at me.

Well, let me just assure you i meant no harm. Im asking this question for genuine reasons and i hope my previous reply to you showed this and without sounding patronising im sorry you are in the situation you are in with your condition.

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A couple of weeks back when I was in the Netherlands, I was cycling along the river with my brother and his girlfriend when we came past three young men who were clearly for trouble. One of them said "Look at that fat ***", kicked my bike, then laughed and said he was amazed the bike could keep me.


Unfortunately for him my brother was trailing me at ten meters and isn't exactly the shy, retiring type either. So by the time I got of the bike my brother had one lad in an arm-grip and I had one of those silly macho stare-down things with the other two. I asked him if he wanted to find out if there was fat on my fists and he sort of shrugged and said it was just a joke, he realised how stupid he was (Perhaps people on bikes are harder to judge in size as I topped the three of them with at least half a foot in height and width) and wanted to know how he could make up for it. So we got him to buy us a few beers at the terrace we were heading for.


That is what I think of people calling me fat.

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There isn't...


And who is insulting who?


I asked my question in relation to your comment:


If you are fat and you don't like being called names then lose weight!! eat less, move more.


It is a "far out idea" for some, but what about we just stop insulting other people by calling them names? A lot of us managed to leave that sort of behaviour behind us when we grew up.

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I understand that medusa - and I have already said aside from those with weight issues through medical reasons the majority of overweight people are just lazy and surely cannot expect to feel victimised the same as someone who is abused because of their race/sex/disability.


Absolutely not.


A couple of points in response to this - first bold - how do you know and even if it were true would that justify being called names?


Second bold - very dodgy thinking on your part that displays a major lack of understanding on your part. People feel what they feel; they don't need your, or anyone else's permission.

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I wasnt negating anything. Like i pointed out, i was lucky in being able to deal with people and in no way was it intended as a yardstick as to how others should.

Can i take it from your reply you are in favour of it being labelled hate speech?


Anyone that denigrates an individual simply because the way they look. More importantly it's what goes through a persons mind in order to belittle or insult on the basis of a 'look'. So generally, yes.

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I understand that medusa - and I have already said aside from those with weight issues through medical reasons the majority of overweight people are just lazy and surely cannot expect to feel victimised the same as someone who is abused because of their race/sex/disability.


Absolutely not.


And the fact that most cheap food has a lot of added sugar, even savoury stuff. The food manufacturers should be made to stop doing this. If the government can legislate against the sugar in fizzy drinks, I don'see why they can't do the same with food.

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