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Fat Pride or no Pride?

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Cretin: A stupid person (used as a general term of abuse)

Moron: A stupid person (used as a general term of abuse)



Both words have just been used by people claiming that verbal abuse is wrong.



Lacking intelligence or common sense is the result of nature, nurture and ones life experiences, to abuse such a person is no different to abusing someone that is fat.

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Cretin: A stupid person (used as a general term of abuse)

Moron: A stupid person (used as a general term of abuse)



Both words have just been used by people claiming that verbal abuse is wrong.



Lacking intelligence or common sense is the result of nature, nurture and ones life experiences, to abuse such a person is no different to abusing someone that is fat.


Morons and cretins are not visible or obvious by "nurture and ones life experiences". Pointing out that a moron is evident by his or her sentiments isn't verbal abuse, it's merely pointing it out. the reader can come to their own conclusion. I take it you agree that insulting a Black, a gay or an overweight person is justified simply because of their appearance and your lack of nurture and life experience? Or would you regard such a statement as moronic, cretinous or idiotic regardless?


How do you tell a stupid person they are stupid without telling them they are stupid?

Edited by cassity
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I asked my question in relation to your comment:




It is a "far out idea" for some, but what about we just stop insulting other people by calling them names? A lot of us managed to leave that sort of behaviour behind us when we grew up.


I'm not sure where you are getting name calling from in my post??


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 08:56 ----------


A couple of points in response to this - first bold - how do you know and even if it were true would that justify being called names?


Second bold - very dodgy thinking on your part that displays a major lack of understanding on your part. People feel what they feel; they don't need your, or anyone else's permission.


Again....... Please show me where I have said it is acceptable to be called names??


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 08:58 ----------


So you think a person who is overweight is fair game for insults? Very odd.


Would you consider it an insult if I said you were a moron because you believe overweight people should accept an insult because of their eating habits?


And again........ WHERE have I called anybody a name??


Jesus you lot!

Edited by Chelle-82
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Probably a better comparison than with race or gender, would be with insulting somebody's religion. Being overweight and being of a particular religion are both choices.

I suspect that we'd all answer that it is quite profoundly wrong to insult somebody for being of a particular religion, so why should it be any different for being overweight.


One might however criticise both parties and encourage them to change their ways if they are overweight enough to be putting their health at risk or part of a religion which is actively hateful or destructive. Where as one would never criticise somebody on the basis of, or ask them to change their race or gender.


Overweight falls in my view into the same category as bad religious sects. Criticise respectfully, don't insult.


Let's not forget those people who are dangerously under-weight as well. This is at least as damaging to one's health although it seems not to be the hot topic right now. Historically, being overtly critical of the overweight tends to cause big increases in anorexia etc and so great caution is required.

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And again........ WHERE have I called anybody a name??



I guess the following irony was lost on you.



If you are fat and you don't like being called names then lose weight!!


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 09:15 ----------


Being overweight and being of a particular religion are both choices.


And you would know this while making the insult how?

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I guess the following irony was lost on you.




---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 09:15 ----------



And you would know this while making the insult how?


that's still not showing me where I personally have called someone a name!!


Yawn off

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I never called you a name..but you still evade the moronic statement you made.


Calling me a moron hurts my feelings!! :rolleyes:


I'm not evading anything... see my previous posts and take what you want from them. I genuinely don't care if you pick them apart and fill in the blanks.

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