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Is there any point to Labour anymore?

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Or even John Smith. Unelectable.


John Smith would have almost certainly beaten the Tories in 1997, although it certainly wouldn't have been by a 179 seat landslide.


One of the problems with today's politics is that you've got the Blairite wing of Labour who think it's still 1995 on the one hand, and the Tories on the other, still pretending that the 90's never happened.

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Terrible mess for them.


The reason for abstaining, if they are honest, is because it was a pretty clever and well-assembled budget that included a few Labour pre-election pledges.


Opposing it for the same of opposing it would be stupid. Labour simply failed to clearly articulate that they actually support quite a lot of what Osborne is going to do. Therein lies the problem and we couldn't have seen it more clearly under Miliband - Labour can't connect or communicate with the electorate any more

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They're also too pig-headed to actually agree with the Torys for once.


You saw it in the previous 5 years as well, they default stance was against anything the government put forward, but lacked any kind of thought process.


They never once put forward a credible alternative option.

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Some might say that this guarantees a Conservative victory in 2020. Others say that Labour will lose regardless.


Boundary reforms will only make Labour's task even harder.


but then there is getting beaten like they did in england or getting beaten like they did in scotland.

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