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Is there any point to Labour anymore?

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I assume your tongue was firmly in your cheek when posting the above.




it is pretty funny really. if blair came back as labour leader a lot of voters from middle england would vote for him but the lefties wouldn't. if corbyn gets the job the lefties will vote for him but middle england won't. perhaps they should poach farage.

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it is pretty funny really. if blair came back as labour leader a lot of voters from middle england would vote for him but the lefties wouldn't. if corbyn gets the job the lefties will vote for him but middle england won't. perhaps they should poach farage.


But at least Corbyn gets elected to the House of Commons, and is popular with his constituents. Farage couldn't even get the vote of middle England for a seat in the House of Commons in spite of the Daily Express, Daily Mail and The Sun cheering for him. Quelle damage.

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But at least Corbyn gets elected to the House of Commons, and is popular with his constituents. Farage couldn't even get the vote of middle England in spite of the Daily Express, Daily Mail and The Sun cheering for him. Oh well.

Mr Corbyn's constituents have an only minimal say in whether he will or won't be selected as Labour leader.

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But at least Corbyn gets elected to the House of Commons, and is popular with his constituents. Farage couldn't even get the vote of middle England for a seat in the House of Commons in spite of the Daily Express, Daily Mail and The Sun cheering for him. Quelle damage.


Corbyn sits in one of the safest Labour seats in the country, it's been Labour held since 1937.


You could put a Donkey with a Red Rosette in for election and people would still vote it in.

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What will lefties say if Corbyn gets elected Labour Leader then Labour fall to a heavy defeat at the next General Election? What will their excuse be?
The election system isn't fair and whoever didn't vote Tory is not represented?


I like Corbyn. He a good bloke and I'd consider voting for him depending on his shadow chancellor. But I think middle England would be very wary of him and a Corbyn led Labour would get crushed.


The only candidate with a glimmer of hope of winning the next election is Liz Kendall but she's tainted by being a Blairite, plus the Labour party as a whole seems determined to lurch to the left.

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What will lefties say if Corbyn gets elected Labour Leader then Labour fall to a heavy defeat at the next General Election? What will their excuse be?


I dunno....What did reactionaries say after 1997 when Tories kept electing and ditching leaders after they kept losing elections to the Labour Party?


With regards to the original question, there does need to be a counterbalancing force in British politics, not, as the OP said just a Tory party mk 2.

In the 30 years after WW2, the pendulum of British politics swung between liberal democracy and social democracy. Post Thatcher / Major, since the centre ground of British politics moved rightwards, Labour tried to accommodate the new consensus....though going much further rightwards than was comfortable for many.

Somehow Labour need to reinvent social democracy for the 21st Century. Perhaps it should be easier given the banking crisis of 2008, when people looked to Governments, not markets for solutions. However through a successful reframing of the narrative, a sufficient number of the electorate have been swayed by the idea that government failure, not market failure was the cause of the problem.

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Have we got a Labour party anymore? I thought Blair & Brown buried it.


---------- Post added 23-07-2015 at 18:06 ----------


The election system isn't fair and whoever didn't vote Tory is not represented?


I like Corbyn. He a good bloke and I'd consider voting for him depending on his shadow chancellor. But I think middle England would be very wary of him and a Corbyn led Labour would get crushed.


The only candidate with a glimmer of hope of winning the next election is Liz Kendall but she's tainted by being a Blairite, plus the Labour party as a whole seems determined to lurch to the left.

Most people seem to forget who formed the Labour and why.

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Who wins the next election will be influenced greatly by how hated the current government becomes.


A lot of turkeys have voted for Christmas and we'll have to see how they feel. Turkeys like the tax credits recipients who never registered they are actually on benefits. Turkeys like the HA tenants who hoped to get their homes at discount prices. Turkeys like the amateur buy to letters who are going to be taken apart. Turkeys like the ones who didn't register that the NHS is going to be semi-destroyed.


Give it a few years and the electorate will probably happily vote in a chimp.

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