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Men who harass women are losers - official!

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Typical hate thread from the OP.


Rather than picking on these people and calling them losers and Neanderthals wouldn't it be kinder and more empathetic to sympathise with their lack of esteem and help them find value in themselves?


Yeah, all very tender and mushy...let's all go hug a terrorist or kiddy fiddler. (that's different I hear the cry) They're all from the same camp ..destructive control cretins who think they're creative with their *******up bent sense of self worth.

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Scientists have discovered that sexist men who harass women online are quite literally losers. Not news to some of us that bullies are inadequate specimens that feel bad about themselves, but an interesting read none the less; wish this report had been out when the 'Is it Ok to wolf whistle at women in the street?' idiocy was in full flow.


Read it here - http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2015/07/20/men-who-harass-women-online-are-quite-literally-losers-new-study-finds/?tid=sm_fb


A lot of people who become bullies have been bullied. Picking on certain groups of men and labeling them losers is surely then a part of the problem and likely to breed sexism and other forms of discrimination...


If a person has an inadequacy, and they are made fun of because of it, it doesn't do anybody any favours in the long run.

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