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Question, which group of people apart from the hard done by MP's can claim as part of their expenses travel TO and FROM work? I know I cant or anyone else I know. Anyone on here able to do so??


I did for 7 months. Travel from Ayr to Lochgilphead to manage a service in the grounds of a Psychiatric Hospital.


Ok, my contract classed this as an unreasonable distance, (roughly 110 miles one way), so they paid out. However, I can walk to the local office in 10 minutes and you're right, i wouldn't be able to claim expenses if I drove there, but I do claim expenses for fuel when I leave the office to visit all the projects I manage in Ayrshire.

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What did you do that incurred expenses that you didn't claim?

I didn't incurr unclaimed expenses, I just travelled to and from my job, that's what happens when you are working, you have to pay to travel on a bus as not every one like myself doesn't own a car. For an MP to claim for travelling a few hundred yards is scandalous.

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Commons Speaker John Bercow has been accused of 'obscene waste' after billing taxpayers £172 for a chauffeur-driven trip of 1,200 YARDS. This and other expenses were found after someone submitted a FOI request. Marvellous how we are all told to show restraint but clowns like this can just waste taxpayers money.



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Question, which group of people apart from the hard done by MP's can claim as part of their expenses travel TO and FROM work? I know I cant or anyone else I know. Anyone on here able to do so??


Many people who don't have a single place of work, but where it varies from occasion to occasion. Nor do we know whether this was a journey to work, or whether it was a journey he made within his working day.


---------- Post added 24-07-2015 at 10:33 ----------


Commons Speaker John Bercow has been accused of 'obscene waste' after billing taxpayers £172 for a chauffeur-driven trip of 1,200 YARDS. This and other expenses were found after someone submitted a FOI request. Marvellous how we are all told to show restraint but clowns like this can just waste taxpayers money.




I wholeheartedly agree with you.


---------- Post added 24-07-2015 at 10:54 ----------


OK, I will ask you, as the chief MP apologist on here, how can you justify getting into a car and DRIVING 352 yrds? Was it REALLY legitimate? Whats up with walking or is it OK for MP's to be just lazy sods? Why should the taxpayer be made to pay for pure idleness? Most places have a minimum distance to claim so why should MP's be any different?


I have no idea at all if it was legitimate or not, that's why I said it's the only question that matters. He could have had a previous engagement which overran, and as a result have been very late to the next one, in which case the 6 minutes you mention could have been extremely significant (I'll be honest, very occasionally, when time is really of the essence, I might drive a similar distance to get something from our local shop - I'd prefer it wasn't necessary, but sometimes time really can be that tight). He could be arthritic; or he could have been lazy, exactly as you say; or perhaps squeezing in a quick trip to visit a mistress. I have absolutely no idea.


But the reason everyone seems to be up in arms about this particular expense claim is the fact that it's 9 pence. And that is the very reason why if it is a legitimate claim, then it should be less of a reason to be bothered about it rather than more so.


As for a minimum distance, the only reason why a minimum distance would make any sense at all would be to save administration costs, however, given that it's a mileage claim, which includes other entries, that is barely relevant. And on that basis the fact that it's such a low figure is a good sign - he's clearly thorough with his recordkeeping, and would seem to be a stickler for accuracy. I'm sure many people would have rounded it up.


If it's an illegitimate claim then he deserves mild scorn (mild on the basis that it's 9 pence rather than £172); if it's legitimate then it's a non-story. But based on all the information that's presented, we have no idea if it was legitimate or not, and the fact that it's being presented as some major scandal when it's not (yet) is ridiculous.

Edited by mattleonard
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Hmm, so how many seconds did he save from unlocking the car getting into the car, putting on his seatbelt, starting the car, driving 352 yds, undoing his seatbelt, getting out of the car and then unlocking it as opposed to merely taking 352 steps? At the rate of a a step every second that is after all only 6 mins
I don't know, ask him. In the meantime, 6 minutes times e.g. ten (door calls) is an hour. Some food for your thought.


Question, which group of people apart from the hard done by MP's can claim as part of their expenses travel TO and FROM work? I know I cant or anyone else I know. Anyone on here able to do so??
Where is the information that this 352 yards trip was 'TO' or 'FROM' work and not, as I suggested, travelling between professional appointments/engagements?


I get my mileage expensed for any professional travelling 'TO' or 'FROM' my office, 'FROM' home to a professional appointment/engagement and return (mileage beyond my std commute), and generally any business travel (e.g. between home and airports/train stations). I don't get my commute expensed. Pretty standard, I believe, as I've never worked or heard of any firm doing things differently (aside from those that provide company cars, works vans and the like, of course).

Edited by L00b
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I don't know, ask him. In the meantime, 6 minutes times e.g. ten (door calls) is an hour. Some food for your thought.


Where is the information that this 352 yards trip was 'TO' or 'FROM' work and not, as I suggested, travelling between professional appointments/engagements?


I get my mileage expensed for any professional travelling 'TO' or 'FROM' my office, 'FROM' home to a professional appointment/engagement and return (mileage beyond my std commute), and generally any business travel (e.g. between home and airports/train stations). I don't get my commute expensed. Pretty standard, I believe, as I've never worked or heard of any firm doing things differently (aside from those that provide company cars, works vans and the like, of course).


Same as anywhere I've worked, paid mileage for anywhere other than my normal place of work.

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