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Is evolution enough?

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You see, if evolution was about survival and survival alone then is the exquisiteness and intricacy of our Bengal cat's markings really necessary?


Ermm... you do realize that the Bengal cat is the product of selective breeding? It didn't occur naturally but is the product of human controlled artificial selection (as opposed to natural selection, the basis of evolution).


The Bengal Cat is a breed of domestic cat developed by selective breeding to evoke the feline denizens of the jungle such as leopards, ocelots, margays and clouded leopards.


Bengal Cats were developed by the selective breeding of domestic cats with hybrids of domestic cats and an Asian leopard cat.




Much like all modern breeds of dog are the product of artificial selection (HINT: Poodles were not found running wild by early man).


Like many who seem confused by evolution, you seem to lack even the basic knowledge required to subject it to coherent analysis. My advice. Do a bit more homework in future.

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I guess one of the things driving my OP is that an academic explanation of evolution including consciousness, leaves me holding a bunch(!) of theories or facts. Pretty g*damned amazing facts, but after a while facts leave the soul a little cold. Yeah I know I don't have a soul, but it's a good illusion.


What are we doing with our evolutionary advantage? Destroying ourselves that's what.


Again I know this is a little bit "random", I'm just looking to explore territory beyond the familiar and get away form the "does god exist?" debate.


Hi tzijlstra, although I may be looking for something to believe in, that's not a creation story. I know the difference between atheist and agnostic; I'm atheist. You can believe in many things including ideas, purposes, missions, yourself, your mentor etc. This has no bearing on your belief in a god-creator.


BTW that old camouflage theory? I have a gut feel we don't have the full explanation there for the wonderful markings of some animals.


I suppose you could explore humanism.

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Like many who seem confused by evolution, you seem to lack even the basic knowledge required to subject it to coherent analysis. My advice. Do a bit more homework in future.


OK maybe not the best example. But you appear to have completely missed the point of the post.


I'm not having a "pop" at evolution!


---------- Post added 22-07-2015 at 19:37 ----------


I suppose you could explore humanism.


Thanks Cyclone, but I've met a few humanists and they don't exactly inspire me with hope! (Maybe you are a humanist and an exception?)


I'll do a little research


Let's just say as someone of a scientific persuasion and a committed atheist "I still haven't found what I'm looking for"


No I don't have a "God shaped hole", but there is something missing for me.


Don't other atheists feel that way? Or am I the only one who isn't completely satisfied with a scientific view of the world?

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No I don't have a "God shaped hole", but there is something missing for me.


Don't other atheists feel that way? Or am I the only one who isn't completely satisfied with a scientific view of the world?


No, I don't think/feel that there is anything missing in my life/world view that I need to go looking for.


Humanism is an interesting concept. I'm not one, but I agree with a lot of the principles.

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Evolution tells us about how life came to be as diverse and complicated as it is today from a very simple beginning, but doesn't really tell the whole picture. Cosmology tells us how the whole universe developed from a very simple beginning.

Perhaps this will help fill the hole.


If you're looking for the great purpose of humanity, sorry but there isn't one. You have to define your own. Most people choose striving to be the best they can be in some fashion, or just ignore it and settle for existing.

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If you're looking for the great purpose of humanity, sorry but there isn't one.


Completely agree. You have to define your own, WE have to define OUR own,


Most people choose striving to be the best they can be in some fashion, or just ignore it and settle for existing.


Individualism or settle for existing?


You see that's it. What a poor choice. We have the power to face facts, use our collective intelligence and make an attempt to shape the future.


Remember that Einstein quote? "Knowledge of what is does not open the door directly to what should be."


In the daily work of scientists they remain impartial and leave implementation of their ideas and discoveries to others.


Aren't there any people in this world who can handle facts AND have an opinion of the future of humanity?

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Completely agree. You have to define your own, WE have to define OUR own,




Individualism or settle for existing?


You see that's it. What a poor choice. We have the power to face facts, use our collective intelligence and make an attempt to shape the future.


Remember that Einstein quote? "Knowledge of what is does not open the door directly to what should be."


In the daily work of scientists they remain impartial and leave implementation of their ideas and discoveries to others.


Aren't there any people in this world who can handle facts AND have an opinion of the future of humanity?


I wan't describing individualism. Serving others is a big part of being your best possible self.

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Many scientists make direct use of the knowledge they've gained, although in many cases it requires commercialisation and so isn't a 1 man process (not that science research takes place in isolated labs with just 1 person working alone).

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