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Mutliple siblings tax allowance/immunity to restore fairness?

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If we as a society are to refuse financial help to the parents of children with multiple siblings based purely upon the number of siblings, then we put the children with multiple siblings into financial hardship, and treat them unfairly compared to their peers.


Thus we must rectify the injustice they face, by treating them more favourably than others in later life.


If social security is to be refused to the children of multiple siblings born after Apr 2017, then we ought have a new tax policy for these people when they become adults, to ensure fairness in the system.


Much like there is a married couple's tax allowance available only to people of a certain age (for people born before 1935), there ought to be a tax allowance/immunity for children of multiple siblings born after Apr 2017.


I.e., if you are the third. fourth, fifth, etc., child, born after Apr 2017 you should not be liable for income tax, NI and council tax, and you should be issued a card to allow you to pay half price VAT, and also half price DUTY on tobacco, alcohol and petrol.


This would return fairness to the system, which will become unfair when children with multiple siblings are tret differently, just because of the number of siblings they have.


Supposing we punish children with multiple siblings in the near future.


Do you think we should have mutliple siblings tax allowance/immunity to restore fairness?

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No... People should be having less children, not more.


No this ountry needs more hildren, lots more! We need younger people to look after our growing and ageing population. This is why immigrants are amazing and why we should be so thankful for their arrival. Unlike indigenous whitey they're apable and willing to work muh muh harder for muh less money.

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