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Car hacking could this become a problem in future.

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Everything non electronic in cars was developed before 1920.

Including super/turbo charging and direct injection.

Material technology allowed to refine those and make affordable.

But if you ask me automotive technology peaked somewhere in 90's and its gadgets and cheating emission test since. Why would you need your ECU connected to internet? Or to anything else than engine?

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They just need to put the essential operations of the car (inputs for steering, engine, etc), on a completely different system to any system that is remotely accessible. I'm surprised that isn't a mandatory standard that car manufacturers have to comply with.

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I'd love to see them hack my 4x4, thankfully there is a lack of "computers" runningn it, it's far too basic for that.




Yours can be hacked with screwdriver, so more direct approach.

Equipment to do that is cheaper and easier to use.

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I think your talking about these videos on YouTube.

Hacking car over the internet 2015:

car hacking talk how they did it 2015:

Car hacking 2013 wired in to the car:

But all of this has been patched in America cause they have closed the open port that allows wireless access to the CPU so their is no way to do it anymore. Till more research is done. IF YOUR YOU HAVE A CAR THAT HAS BEEN HACKED IT MIGHT STILL BE ABLE TO HACK YOUR CAR BECAUSE YOU WILL NEED TO TAKE YOUR CAR TO THE DEALER TO ALLOW THEM TO UPDATE YOUR CAR WITH OUT THE UPDATE PEOPLE CAN STILL HACK YOUR CAR.

Edited by bananaberry
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