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Channel tunnel problems! caused by the illegal migrants.

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Do you think that the rest of Europe might be more willing to help if we pulled our weight with the Mediterranean immigrant crisis. We just washed our hands of that one and walked away. No wonder that nobody is with us on this one


As an aside, I'm in France ATM. I had no trouble getting in. My freedom of movement wasn't affected at all ( except by the crazy French all going on holiday at the same time).


this has been going on for years its not new, so nothing to do with the increase from Mediterranean immigrants crisis although thats making it worse, what should it have to do with us ? make the country of foot fall sort the crisis and send them back.

maybe you didnt have a problem if you went another route but ask those at calais, dover, felixstowe and roads approaching the channel tunnel today ?

no matter what the refugees need dispersing in any and every way so they dont cause a problem to truckers, business and normal people trying to get on with their life.

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Do you think that the rest of Europe might be more willing to help if we pulled our weight with the Mediterranean immigrant crisis. We just washed our hands of that one and walked away. No wonder that nobody is with us on this one


As an aside, I'm in France ATM. I had no trouble getting in. My freedom of movement wasn't affected at all ( except by the crazy French all going on holiday at the same time).


But these immigrants arnt genuine asylum seekers. If they were then they woudnt mind where they stay they would claim asylum in the nearest country they set down. I would if I was desperate (which is either Spain, Italy, South of France and at a push Portugal. However they are not they are moving to Britain because of the benefits system.

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Guest sibon
But these immigrants arnt genuine asylum seekers. If they were then they woudnt mind where they stay they would claim asylum in the nearest country they set down. I would if I was desperate (which is either Spain, Italy, South of France and at a push Portugal. However they are not they are moving to Britain because of the benefits system.


Do illegal immigrants get benefits? How does that work?

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Guest sibon
they start as illegal then claim asylum for housing or just vanish into the black economy until caught and then claim, either way we dont want them here.


So, illegal immigrants don't claim benefits.


Glad we cleared that one up so quickly.

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Let's get the facts straight here, compared to other EU countries the UK is taking in far, far fewer refugees per capita. The reason is that they can't actually get here without having to go through the channel-tunnel. Does that make it the problem of other countries? What should those countries do, take on even more of their fair share whilst Cameron refuses to sort anything out?


Those people at Calais want to come here, that is why they are in Calais. With that, they become the UK's responsibility.


Why do they want to come here, that is the key-question. The answer is simple: They can actually make a living here because the country is incredibly naive/lax/inefficient with ID-rules. In most other EU countries they get screened as soon as they come in and are 'parked' in refugee camps and processed. Exactly what should happen here, but instead the UK is happy to let this remain the problem of other countries.




If other Euro nations want them that's their business. It's not a UK problem and we don't want them here.

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Why should genuine refugees go through several safe countries to get here, greed and the thought that we are so gullible with their excuses for not going back " I will be killed/ I'm a homosexual/ etc" it's the draw of free cash and homes. Stand outside Sports Direct on any day of the week and you will see numerous Romanians shopping, just follow them, discretely of course, you will see them with wads of cash that only we can dream about and I Do realise these spongers are not refugees, they are here for the money. Men and women over sixty, well they've certainly come here to work, I don't think so.


Romanians can travel here and live here perfectly legally. The people trying to get in illegally from Calais won't be Romanians.

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Do illegal immigrants get benefits? How does that work?


Illegal immigrants dont. When they get over the border to the UK they claim asylum and then are able to stay here and are supported while we process their claim.


My question is if they are genuine then surely they will claim asylum in the first place they land. I would if I was desperate for the safety of me and my family.

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Here is a list of the number of people per square kilometre in some EU countries. I couldn't find the Netherlands, I know they are pretty high.

UK - 262

Germany - 226

Czech Republic - 133

Poland - 123

France - 118

Portugal - 115

Hungary - 106

Spain - 93

Greece - 84

Sweden - 21.


In other words, we're more than three times as crowded as Greece and more than twice as crowded as France.


So if the EU sees fit to take every "migrant" jumping out of a dinghy and onto EU soil, they can stick them all somewhere else.

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