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Channel tunnel problems! caused by the illegal migrants.

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Let the unemployed leave home and live 12 to a room while working for peanuts in chicken factories in deepest Lincolnshire.........instead of refusing to do those type of jobs and standing back to let immigrants do them,or nobody would do them,employers need workers to do these jobs,the UK unemployed is responsible for many immigrants and the reason why business employs immigrants over UK unemployed,who are content to pick up their benefits because working doesn't pay.........especially when it means leaving home to find a job.........like immigrant s are willing to do.


Letting migrants in to do the work that our unemployed should do is no solution.


Areas where the migrants are getting jobs (mainly London & the South East) are usually nowhere near the areas of high unemployment.




What relevance does that have? There is still unemployment and under employment and no need to bring in migrants. More poor people simply means more state support.

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Cameron's effective financial policies of punishing the poor for the greed of the rich has sadly backfired on us.


Now the UK is the fastest growing and strongest economy in the world, every other person on earth wants to get here, legally or otherwise.


I think we should have kept New Labour in charge; they would have bankrupted the country, and nobody would want to emigrate here.

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Maybe instead you need to read the example again, slowly.


The maths are correct, but completely inconsequential as they are set in the wrong context. Perhaps you need to read my argument again, quickly and slowly. To help you I have elaborated it here:


The country needs immigration because it has jobs that are vacant. There is a degree of frictional unemployment that we are not going to get under, every economy has this form of frictional unemployment, think people between jobs, people that refuse to move for work, people that are retraining to find better work etc. We hit this point last month when despite unemployment going up to 5.2% the economy still grew.


Using a 1+1=3 sum to explain big economical issues is completely unhelpful.


Your inability top understand it doesn't mean WiseOwl182's argument is failing, their argument is sound.


So, as explained above, the argument is not sound at all, it isn't even close to being sound.

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The maths are correct, but completely inconsequential as they are set in the wrong context. Perhaps you need to read my argument again, quickly and slowly. To help you I have elaborated it here:


The country needs immigration because it has jobs that are vacant. There is a degree of frictional unemployment that we are not going to get under, every economy has this form of frictional unemployment, think people between jobs, people that refuse to move for work, people that are retraining to find better work etc. We hit this point last month when despite unemployment going up to 5.2% the economy still grew.


Using a 1+1=3 sum to explain big economical issues is completely unhelpful.




So, as explained above, the argument is not sound at all, it isn't even close to being sound.


I used a simplistic mathematical example to underline the flaw in your argument. To recap, you said unemployment is falling and therefore high immigration isn't affecting people getting employment. My simplistic example showed how the two factors are unrelated, because taking them in isolation ignores the fact that a disproportionate amount of jobs created are going to immigrants, therefore immigration and employment rates could be increasing concurrently. Overall unemployment could be falling, but among the indigenous population could be static or increasing. Unfortunately you're the only person in the thread who can't seem to grasp this.

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I used a simplistic mathematical example to underline the flaw in your argument. To recap, you said unemployment is falling and therefore high immigration isn't affecting people getting employment. My simplistic example showed how the two factors are unrelated, because taking them in isolation ignores the fact that a disproportionate amount of jobs created are going to immigrants, therefore immigration and employment rates could be increasing concurrently. Overall unemployment could be falling, but among the indigenous population could be static or increasing. Unfortunately you're the only person in the thread who can't seem to grasp this.


Have you read up on frictional unemployment yet? Can you factor in the amount of vacancies whilst you are at it? Both will disprove your theory.

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We should let these immigrants in, if we want the economy to continue to grow.


The economy needs a ready supply of cheap, exploitable labour, and these immigrants are just perfect!


Young, fit, willing to work for a pittance, unable to form a union, unlikely to claim benefits. . . It's a Tory wet dream!


And yes, I would be happy to live near them*. Living in North Sheffield, I probably already am.


*well, not happy, but just resigned to the fact it's inevitable since Our Nige' has disappeared off the face of the earth along with his germanese wife.

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You think the vast majority of IS are decent individuals?


Presumably all the enslaving, raping, stoning, pushing gays off tower blocks, cutting heads off is just decent people letting off a bit of steam?


You couldn't make it up.


Your views are formed from media portrayal. I'm assuming you haven't been and met any IS individuals to form an educated opinion.no doubt you think Roma gypsies are a bunch of thieves etc etc

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You've lost the plot. Mint plumbing is simply applying fundamental rules of supply and demand to the labour market to answer your question. It's perfectly logical.


Then you give us the wage figure that will get the British workshy off benefits to leave home and go and live 12 to a room working long hours in chicken processing factories in Lincolnshire.........what migrants do..........how much are the ones on benefits going to want to get off them,up sticks from the city and put in hard graft?

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Your views are formed from media portrayal. I'm assuming you haven't been and met any IS individuals to form an educated opinion.no doubt you think Roma gypsies are a bunch of thieves etc etc


You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Did you not notice the 'Up the Roma!' in my signature? I work with and count as friends a number of Roma, great people.



And no, I've never taken tea with anyone from IS, but I don't need to to know that they're a thoroughly bad lot. Their actions speak for themselves.

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Letting migrants in to do the work that our unemployed should do is no solution.





You go and tell the British unemployed to do the jobs migrants are doing then,because enough businesses have already publicly stated that British labour is either not good enough,without a work ethic,or not able to last more than a few days,or won't come near the jobs............are you saying that the jobs should be left undone and those businesses go bust rather than let migrants who are willing to work, into the country to do that work?

Edited by chalga
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