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Channel tunnel problems! caused by the illegal migrants.

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People matter more than money.


what about all the peoples holidays that have been ruined having to wait around for the tunnel? the lorry drivers that may lose contracts? the locals having to put up with the influx of illegals?? you dont really care do you? no thought not:roll: same as we dont really care about these immigrants:o

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Even that wouldn't stop illegals from trying. You might succeed in turning a few hundreds into smouldering bitty bits, what's your plan for the thousands following up?


nuking Northern France would only kill hundreds?


"We're gonna need a bigger nuke"


What was that Russian nuclear bomb-within-a-bomb-within-a-bomb called? Grand slam / grand tsar ? Like a three bird roast, but nuclear?


I'll drop that instead. ON ZE GERMANESE ! ! !

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This is exactly what I mean, this is typical of the UK, turn a blind eye so the problem goes away. We can see that in a lot of situations, particularly those that you agitate against vehemently Penistone.


As for those people saying 'we are full' and 'they cost too much'. Good job! You've managed to display a degree of ignorance that is so dark in its purest form that it scares babies. (Afterall, we are full and they cost a lot of money babies do.)


Hang on a minuite here. Calais isnt the first port they come to so these immigrants have come from North Africa travelled through France to Calais why? Simple they want to come here as we are a soft touch.


Like I said before if they were genuine and needed help they would have gone to the first country they landed in and claimed asylum not travelled across France to try to get into the UK.

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the result of the in-out referendum will make absolutely no difference to this situation.


an "out" decision will, if anything, makes matters worse since the french authorities will have less incentive to do anything than they have now.


That isn't true. Out of the EU we can make our own laws and rules. We wouldn't have to give migrants the same rights as British citizens, we could detain illegals whilst preparing to deport them and remove appeal rights to make it quicker. We can take away free homes, food and clothing and their freedom pending expulsion. We could do the things the EU currently stops us from doing. Instead we have Cameron trying to pretend he is being tough on immigration with more fencing, dogs and banning the employment of people in the public sector who can't speak english!


We simply can't control immigration how most people want it controlled whilst in the EU.

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Hey, perhaps we could go around demanding "papers, citizen", introduce detention without charge, and just a bit of human rights abuse across the board.

Just so long as it doesn't affect you and yours, right?


actually thats exactly what we should do to address some of this countries problems, anyone who is innocent or not illegal wouldn't have a problem?

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It seems that we are skirting the issue here. It isnt about immigration. Its about the fact that these immigrants instead of chosing to seek asylum in the nearest country they settle in. They chose to go further and try to come here to the UK. Why is that? Benefits?

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actually thats exactly what we should do to address some of this countries problems, anyone who is innocent or not illegal wouldn't have a problem?


I was against the idea of ID cards, but on reflection and having seen and experienced the abuse of our country, I feel you are right here. It would be a solution and the reason the lefties are against it, is because it would hinder the illegals. I'm not sure why they want them so much, perhaps it's because they have to pay for them.


---------- Post added 03-08-2015 at 09:35 ----------


It seems that we are skirting the issue here. It isnt about immigration. Its about the fact that these immigrants instead of chosing to seek asylum in the nearest country they settle in. They chose to go further and try to come here to the UK. Why is that? Benefits?


No Apparently it's because they may have friends here ........ :loopy:

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I was against the idea of ID cards, but on reflection and having seen and experienced the abuse of our country, I feel you are right here. It would be a solution and the reason the lefties are against it, is because it would hinder the illegals. I'm not sure why they want them so much, perhaps it's because they have to pay for them
I think you'll find the resistance to ID cards in the UK is pretty much apolitical, coming equally from the right, the left and anywhere in-between and beyond, because it's perceived as a deathly attack on/loss of personal freedom.


I have long advocated their adoption here (so much towards solving illegal immigration as many other ongoing socio-economic issues) and am anything but a 'lefty' (though my distinct lack of mouth-frothing must surely qualify me as such with some posters on here :D).


I've had a French ID card for over 40 years, with biometric data (fingerprint data encoded in) for the last 10 years, can't say it's ever curtailed my freedom in any way or shape, anywhere, at any time. No black-clad people breaking down the door, no black helicopters circling overhead, no singling-out at airports, ports and other border crossings, <etc.>

Edited by L00b
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