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Channel tunnel problems! caused by the illegal migrants.

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Do you think there is a reason that the migrants concentrate in the French ports? I know they are closest ports but why aren't they trying to get into the UK in such large numbers from Belgium, Holland, Spain and Denmark? How would these other countries manage the problem? Asking for your opinion because you are from Holland and might have an angle on what the Dutch would do.


Trust me, it is a problem in the Netherlands and Belgium as well, just not as obvious as, in the Netherlands, asylum seekers are placed in government care in specialised camps. So the Dutch know that to ensure nothing funny (like Calais) happens they need to process the asylum seekers appropriately, no reason to be in the country, you are going back. Something that needs to happen here and in a hurry.


By the way, I know someone who lost residence status in the Netherlands (Somali) and was told to leave within a week, he got on a ferry to Newcastle on a borrowed passport without issues. That is British border control (the onus was on them) for ya.

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yes they do once they become asylum seekers so open your eyes!! and the reason they come here is that the rest of europe dont support to the stupid extent we do here thats why they come and they know it.


Wrong -Germany, France & Sweden take more than us.




A fact you could have easily checked yourself - I assume you prefer your myth though.

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Do you think there is a reason that the migrants concentrate in the French ports? I know they are closest ports but why aren't they trying to get into the UK in such large numbers from Belgium, Holland, Spain and Denmark?


You answered the question yourself. Calais is much closer and therefore carries a far greater volume of cross channel traffic, therefore the chance of making it across the channel is vastly increased.


BTW it is only about 1% of asylum seekers to Europe are concentrated in Calais - not the whole lot as some would appear to believe.

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Thanks Zamo. Unfortunately "Somali man called Mo, I think, he sailed to Newcastle and might still be there?" doesn't really help, does it?


You said you knew him. Oh well... If any info does come your way then don't forget to pass it on to the authorities. ;)

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Trust me, it is a problem in the Netherlands and Belgium as well, just not as obvious as, in the Netherlands, asylum seekers are placed in government care in specialised camps. So the Dutch know that to ensure nothing funny (like Calais) happens they need to process the asylum seekers appropriately, no reason to be in the country, you are going back. Something that needs to happen here and in a hurry.

By the way, I know someone who lost residence status in the Netherlands (Somali) and was told to leave within a week, he got on a ferry to Newcastle on a borrowed passport without issues. That is British border control (the onus was on them) for ya.


It does, taking back control of our borders by leaving the EU circus for a start.

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It does, taking back control of our borders by leaving the EU circus for a start.
Considering the current state and underperformance of the UKBA, and the small army of Human Rights solicitors forever 'at' the system for illegals and asylum seekers (none of whom are EU nationals), leaving the EU wouldn't make a blind bit of difference. But don't let facts and objectivity get in the way of your foamy mouth.


As to the rest of the discussion, it's so ill-informed and ranty as to deserve nothing else than contempt. The UKBA could do worse than take some lessons from the rest of the EU about how to deal with illegals. I can't remember the last time I heard or read about it charterising a plane-load of illegals. France & Germany send a few planeloads per week, year round.

Edited by L00b
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You answered the question yourself. Calais is much closer and therefore carries a far greater volume of cross channel traffic, therefore the chance of making it across the channel is vastly increased.


BTW it is only about 1% of asylum seekers to Europe are concentrated in Calais - not the whole lot as some would appear to believe.


Er...not quite that simple. If I'm not misunderstanding posts above then in Holland if several hundred people camped at the port in Rotterdam they'd be rounded up and taken to a centre for processing.

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