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Channel tunnel problems! caused by the illegal migrants.

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Why do we ?


Our duty is to our own British citizens , not people fleeing other countries for whatever reason.


We are the world, we are the children


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 22:52 ----------



It was odds-on we were in for a hung parliament. Bettering on us not leaving is in my opinion a poor bet... it is way too close to call


2/9 say the odds


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 22:53 ----------


I wouldn't be so sure on that one.


I'm not. The bookies are though. Of course you know better than professionals calculating odds.


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 22:56 ----------


Place them in the countrysides and spacious cities like sheffield. Plenty of space here. I for one welcome many more thousands of refugees into the safety of our bosom. We can take 150k at least,

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How ironic.


We spent the last few centuries invading Africa and the Middle East, now they're invading us.





I doubt that even you believe in that guilt tripping garbage,the difference is that the Brits gave those colonies some sort of infrastructure. Those immigrants bring nothing to the table except for subpar health practices and infectious diseases. Tuberculosis rates are increasing in the UK thanks to 3rd world "migrants"! More of a reason for Europe to kick them and keep them out, Europe doesn't need new resistant strains of pathogens!!

1) Why do people think colonialism was all bad? Schools, hospitals, roads and infrastructure were some of the results. 2) Why are African countries that weren't colonised also doing poorly? 3)Why, after half century of independence are so many African nations still failing while more recently independent nations around Asia are doing so well, in some cases better than their former rulers? 4) Are you aware that most countries in Africa weren't doing brilliantly before colonisation either? 5) Are you aware slave masters were often native to the countries slaves were sold from?


The point is, we are getting tired of looking elsewhere for blame for our problems. We need change to come internally, a revolution where we wake up and sort out our governments, education and wealth distribution. This will help solve Africa's problems and stop the migration and deaths at sea. Blaming the white man is not going to get us anywhere.





The U.S. and Western countries took in by far the hugest share of the world's immigrants over the past century. It is now time for the rest of the world to step up to the challenge. The time has come to redirect immigrants towards Asia, Latin America, some parts of Africa and the muslim world. Just think, it would bring the joys of diversity to the many countries that don't have it today.:D:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Edited by johncocker
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That's a big table with lots of different options to select, can you be more specific?


Land Area

Germany 348

UK 241

France 547

Sweden 410


It doesn't look to me like Germany is 4 times as large as the UK...


Not that land area is all that much to do with it really, a lot of Germany is forested, I don't think that many people, refugee or otherwise live in the forests... A lot of the UK is green space as well, and people don't live in the fields and woodlands.


Exactly, and much of the UK is difficult to inhabit, especially in Winter, not just forested but mountainous uplands, bogs and moors. Try a few winters in Scotland for instance as I have and you will find that Sheffield is a doddle in comparison. And why do you think we tend to live in the valleys rather than on places like Carl Wark these days? Could it be that we have seen the advantages and prefer to go out in the summer to enjoy the countryside, when it is green rather than when the bitter winds of winter cut through the bare arms of the trees.


---------- Post added 05-08-2015 at 07:30 ----------



Land area is only one factor.

Available land and land we can build on is a much better indicator.


E.g. australia has a huge landmass but almost everyone lives on the coastline.


Look at a map and you may well find the reasons why.

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I doubt that even you believe in that guilt tripping garbage,the difference is that the Brits gave those colonies some sort of infrastructure. Those immigrants bring nothing to the table except for subpar health practices and infectious diseases. Tuberculosis rates are increasing in the UK thanks to 3rd world "migrants"! More of a reason for Europe to kick them and keep them out, Europe doesn't need new resistant strains of pathogens!!

1) Why do people think colonialism was all bad? Schools, hospitals, roads and infrastructure were some of the results. 2) Why are African countries that weren't colonised also doing poorly? 3)Why, after half century of independence are so many African nations still failing while more recently independent nations around Asia are doing so well, in some cases better than their former rulers? 4) Are you aware that most countries in Africa weren't doing brilliantly before colonisation either? 5) Are you aware slave masters were often native to the countries slaves were sold from?


The point is, we are getting tired of looking elsewhere for blame for our problems. We need change to come internally, a revolution where we wake up and sort out our governments, education and wealth distribution. This will help solve Africa's problems and stop the migration and deaths at sea. Blaming the white man is not going to get us anywhere.





The U.S. and Western countries took in by far the hugest share of the world's immigrants over the past century. It is now time for the rest of the world to step up to the challenge. The time has come to redirect immigrants towards Asia, Latin America, some parts of Africa and the muslim world. Just think, it would bring the joys of diversity to the many countries that don't have it today.:D:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:




Great post JC.


Bang on...

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2/9 say the odds




I'm not. The bookies are though. Of course you know better than professionals calculating odds.


I'll match that price for you. How much do you want?


---------- Post added 05-08-2015 at 08:07 ----------


British business want migrants for the reasons I just stated,nothing to do with lefties.....let them pay the tax every time they employ a migrant.


Businesses may want cheap labour from abroad but we don't have to supply it and supplement it through the taxes we pay that provide the low paid with top up benefits. We need to stop doing that and wages will start to go up. When that happens, with benefits going down at the same time, then the unemployed and underemployed will be motivated into taking and retaining work.


Immigration needs to work for all. The needs of business do not trump concerns about the financial and social cost to the general public - there needs to be balance.

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I'll match that price for you. How much do you want?


---------- Post added 05-08-2015 at 08:07 ----------



Businesses may want cheap labour from abroad but we don't have to supply it and supplement it through the taxes we pay that provide the low paid with top up benefits. We need to stop doing that and wages will start to go up. When that happens, with benefits going down at the same time, then the unemployed and underemployed will be motivated into taking and retaining work.


Immigration needs to work for all. The needs of business do not trump concerns about the financial and social cost to the general public - there needs to be balance.


What wage will the British unemployed and underemployed want to recieve from employers of chicken factories in deepest Lincolnshire before they are tempted off benefits,move from the cities where they live now,to go and relocate to 12 in a room barrack style accomodation and put in hard graft to do the jobs that migrants are doing there at the moment?..........you give the figure that they will accept to give up benefits and push the migrants out of those jobs and take them.

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Why do we ?


Our duty is to our own British citizens , not people fleeing other countries for whatever reason.


you start paying your taxes, and we'll start believing you give a damn about British citizens

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We are the world, we are the children


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 22:52 ----------



2/9 say the odds


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 22:53 ----------



I'm not. The bookies are though. Of course you know better than professionals calculating odds.


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 22:56 ----------


Place them in the countrysides and spacious cities like sheffield. Plenty of space here. I for one welcome many more thousands of refugees into the safety of our bosom. We can take 150k at least,



So you'd be willing to pay my proposed additional migrant fund tax too then?

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