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Drinking water and (careless?) driving..

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Holding an apple makes it dangerous to go around a corner?


Drop an apple and it's no big deal, drop a cigarette however and it's panic stations as it's going to burn a hole in your seat or worse! I see no problem with eating or drinking providing your being sensible but I would put a complete ban on smoking at the wheel

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How many fingers do you use whilst you're changing gear?

If she was changing gear whilst turning a corner and holding an apple, that's even worse!


I'm not sure you would be obliged to inform them for the loss of some fingers. It doesn't stop you gripping the wheel.

You have to inform the DVLA, although not a limb it comes under amputations.



With the apple, physics dictates that you would have to have at least half of the apple pressed against your palm to stop it falling out (the apex of the apple's circumference cannot go past the edge of your hand or it will no longer hold).

Unless you have a two-tier palm, this means that you would have to tilt your hand in such a way that you are only gripping the wheel between your index finger (possibly combined with your middle finger) and your thumb, which means there is very little pressure applied to a very small surface area.


If you are turning a corner that takes your wheel past the point you can control it with one hand, you will have to pass it to another hand to continue rotating the wheel.


It boils down to a simple question of physics, could you safely (and reliably) be in control of your vehicle when going round a corner, only steering with the finger(s) and thumb of one hand holding against the force of the car trying to self-centre the steering?

I doubt the police would think so.

Edited by RootsBooster
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