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Lord Sewel - Failing to uphold standards in the Lords

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From the BBC..


Lord Sewel has reportedly resigned as deputy speaker of the House of Lords after being caught on video allegedly taking drugs with prostitutes.


Press Association reports Lord Sewel has also quit as chairman of the Lords privileges and conduct committee in the wake of the Sun on Sunday's story.

The footage showed him snorting powder from a woman's breasts with a £5 note.


Lords Speaker Baroness D'Souza said his behaviour was "shocking" and that she was referring him to the police.


The crossbench peer had been responsible for enforcing standards in the Upper House.


Apparent it is considered poor form to snort drugs from a woman's breasts with a £5 note... should never be less than a £10 note. Why do we allow such classless toffs to represent us?


That is such a good question, and one that more people should ponder on.


Basically I believe it stems from the monarchy / aristocratic top down approach, riddled with class distinction, which sees power being granted only to other rich 'people like us.'


It's a system which dates back to before the Norman conquest and has never been successfully challenged. Other countries have had bloody and violent revolutions to rid themselves of their monarchies and are much more democratic as a result.


We meanwhile are mired in history and 'tradition' and its resultant mediocrity, which stops us moving forward, and denies the truly talented their chance to come forward, be nurtured, and shine in a true meritocracy.


Many of those in power have never even experienced life in the real world.

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Personally I think Who cares? It's his nose. It's his body he's knackering up.

What he does in his private life is none of our business.

The oily news of the screws (or whatever they've called it now) is the embarrassment along with those who read it and buy it.

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Personally I think Who cares? It's his nose. It's his body he's knackering up.

What he does in his private life is none of our business.


Clearly the government doesn't feel like that, or they'd legalise drugs and prostitution.

And since he's part of the government he needs to be seen to be living by the rules that they impose on everyone.

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Clearly the government doesn't feel like that, or they'd legalise drugs and prostitution.

And since he's part of the government he needs to be seen to be living by the rules that they impose on everyone.


I've just noticed he's an ex Labour minister - I've changed my mind - he a moral disgrace. Blah blah blah. Disgusting behaviour. Blah blah blah. He should be made to walk naked through Westminster. Blah blah blah.


He's not in government. The Tories are in.

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