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Daish VS Kurds..

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Old Sam has come to an agreement and ze Turk may get up to what he likes.


The Kurds face oblivion. ISIS a mere hinderance.


How shall Middle East politik play out, now that the Turks have seemingly got free reign to kill the Kurds?

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Old Sam has come to an agreement and ze Turk may get up to what he likes.


The Kurds face oblivion. ISIS a mere hinderance.


How shall Middle East politik play out, now that the Turks have seemingly got free reign to kill the Kurds?

Perhaps Turkey will see retaliation in their own Country as well as Cyprus where our jets are also stationed .

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How shall Middle East politik play out, now that the Turks have seemingly got free reign to kill the Kurds?
Arab spring-like protests coming to Istanbul again in 3, 2, 1...


Wouldn't like to be a tourist there this summer, that is for sure.

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The Turks are by far the most powerful player in the Middle-East, if they could come to an agreement that allowed Kurdistan to exist on their southern border (taking parts of Iraq and Syria) and they cooperated, than ISIS would be gone in a few months time. But the Turks are seemingly rather irrational about this whole situation and basically just attacking anybody with guns that they do not like.


This is why Turkey should not have become involved (and Erdogan warned several times that this would happen afaik).

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I agree, take a bunch of land from Syria and Iraq, give it to the Kurds.


The northern tips of the two countries are where the majority of Kurdish people live, it's also the parts of those two countries that neither government has had control of for quite some time.

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I agree, take a bunch of land from Syria and Iraq, give it to the Kurds.


The northern tips of the two countries are where the majority of Kurdish people live, it's also the parts of those two countries that neither government has had control of for quite some time.


Who should do the "taking a bunch of land from Syria and Iraq"? GB? USA? UN? NATO? The Arab League? The Kurds themselves (with the support they would obviously need from GB? USA? UN? etc etc)? If it's anything like innumerable previous conflicts where outsiders have decided where future borders should lie, it would be pretty much guaranteed to lead to yet more long term conflict.


It would be great if the three bordering countries could come to some agreement and allow a Kurdish state to be created, but in reality none of them will.

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Lets be honest no-one in the middle east will ever agree to anything, regardless of the topic.


Is has made a home in the North of both countries, so perhaps making that area into Kurdistan will provide some resistance against the terrorist groups who seek to take it.


The governments of Syria and Iraq haven't shown much will to control the areas themselves.


Perhaps the US/UN should back the Kurdish militia to overthrow IS in those areas, and then back the Kurds as they declare the land their own.

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Lets be honest no-one in the middle east will ever agree to anything, regardless of the topic.


Is has made a home in the North of both countries, so perhaps making that area into Kurdistan will provide some resistance against the terrorist groups who seek to take it.


The governments of Syria and Iraq haven't shown much will to control the areas themselves.


Perhaps the US/UN should back the Kurdish militia to overthrow IS in those areas, and then back the Kurds as they declare the land their own.


Re bib. Maybe, but any support for the Kurds would immediately alienate Turkey, and the USA would probably not be allowed to use Turkish bases any more, making the whole anti IS aerial attacks even harder.


Maybe Iraq and Syria could be forced into relinquishing their Kurdish areas, purely because they are not strong enough to defend against it, but it will add to tensions and increase the number of different factions all with an axe to grind.

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The governments of Syria and Iraq haven't shown much will to control the areas themselves.
Neither did Turkey, sitting tanks and all sorts of other olive green-coloured hardware a stone's throw away from Kobane and just sat looking at IS turning the place into a moonscape.


Until some realpolitik deal or other suddenly unlocked Erdogan's hands, first to lob some token ordnance on a few IS technicals, next to lob a firestorm of ordnance on the Kurds. Disgusting does not begin to cover it.


Personally, I'll be voting with my feet and my wallet: we're not going on holiday to Turkey and supporting that shower for a long time.

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Yep I think Turkey's behaviour during the entire conflict has been pretty appalling too.


They've only just started to do something when the conflict finally spilled over into their country, otherwise they would have just sat there and watched over it all, due to their hatred of both sides.

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