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Depression - What help is available?

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Please, please don't bicker on this subject.


I suspect some people contributing on this thread might be particularly sensitive or delicate and can do without it. We need to encourage people to talk, and arguing only puts people off from doing that. Everyone is entitled to their point of view.


I, for one, accept all contributions on this thread in the manner in which they're offered, and thank them for joining in. This is turning into a very useful, informative thread.


Yes, i agree. It would be interesting to see how other people deal with their conditions.

I enjoy going for a walk in fresh air and to be grateful for small things. Just a small thing but it helps.


---------- Post added 28-07-2015 at 11:43 ----------


Why is depression escalating is the question that should be asked. I personally dont think it is. It is simply that its being diagnosed more.


Unfortunately the side effect to this is that people are using it as an excuse to get out of work making it harder for those people with the illness from being believed when they need help or believing they have got it themselves to seek help.


I dont agree with the getting out of work statement at all. People pretend to be depressed??? On the contrary, they go to work when ill.

I know a few who have been off work for stress, and its genuine in every case.

Edited by TJC1
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Yes, i agree. It would be interesting to see how other people deal with their conditions.

I enjoy going for a walk in fresh air and to be grateful for small things. Just a small thing but it helps.


---------- Post added 28-07-2015 at 11:43 ----------



I dont agree with the getting out of work statement at all. People pretend to be depressed??? On the contrary, they go to work when ill.

I know a few who have been off work for stress, and its genuine in every case.


Oh I know of people who have been off ill with depression and it has been genuine however I have known others say their depressed yet you see them on facebook going on jollys with their family while others are picking up the slack.




Also those that were genuine wernt off from the start like they should have been as they dont want to be a burden, they see it as a fake illness.


We need to ensure the genuine ones do get the help they need and quickly.


I have suffered it myself and didnt want to take time off because I saw people off with depression and using it as an excuse so I felt I was the same and that I was being silly.

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Oh I know of people who have been off ill with depression and it has been genuine however I have known others say their depressed yet you see them on facebook going on jollys with their family while others are picking up the slack.




Also those that were genuine wernt off from the start like they should have been as they dont want to be a burden, they see it as a fake illness.


We need to ensure the genuine ones do get the help they need and quickly.


I have suffered it myself and didnt want to take time off because I saw people off with depression and using it as an excuse so I felt I was the same and that I was being silly.


What youre referring to is called 'sludge'. Talking behind peoples backs and chinese whispers. Happens in every office or workplace. My advice is to focus on yourself rather than getting worked up about what your colleagues are doing or how you are missing out. You'll be happier and live longer ;)

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Medication can work for some people, but it really does depend on the person and circumstances. I was first diagnosed with depression in 1999 along with PVFS. After two months on an SSRI the change was dramatic, really made a difference. What I found is that it gave you the motivation to do more things, you could see the reward - then doing those things eased the depression.


However 16 years on I am still on SSRI - if I forget to take a dose the withdrawal is quickly apparent, physically more than anything.

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I got reading and thought it was genuine despair. Then I hit the third paragraph only to see it was another anti Tory rant. Predictable, if little else


Well spotted and it certainly does look like you suggest.


Perhaps the OP ought to mention that some of these depressed people might be depressed because the conservatives have failed to put right the mess that labour left us in when they allegedly threw the previous two general elections.



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I got reading and thought it was genuine despair. Then I hit the third paragraph only to see it was another anti Tory rant. Predictable, if little else


Well spotted and it certainly does look like you suggest.


Perhaps the OP ought to mention that some of these depressed people might be depressed because the conservatives have failed to put right the mess that labour left us in when they allegedly threw the previous two general elections.




I disagree. The line between the personal and political is often blurred. Politicians often talk about making 'difficult' decisions, yet the people who the difficult decisions affect are often marginalised and disparaged.

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The motivation is to feel better.


I am not going into details, but my motivation WAS to get better and every time I saw someone (medical) I aksed them why, when I was trying so hard to get better, were things getting worse. None of it made sense.


I went to the behavioural activation group run through IAPT and although that did change ways I viewed my unbelievably suicidal feelings for the good, it was my choice to come off medication. That act lifted the horrendous fog. I am not better yet but am now able to makes choices about how I react to the suicidal thoughts.


Each case is different.

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I have a close friend who has been clinically depressed for 20 years at least, they tried meds,tried CBT and occasionally has an uplifting month or two then back again into the gloom.

They function at work, just, however even though they have been offered a "sick note" they continue to work as once they go sick they genuinely feel they would be unable to go back to work again.


Having a crap day or feeling miserable 'cos your bank balances don't agree isn't depression.

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Why is depression escalating is the question that should be asked. I personally dont think it is. It is simply that its being diagnosed more.


Unfortunately the side effect to this is that people are using it as an excuse to get out of work making it harder for those people with the illness from being believed when they need help or believing they have got it themselves to seek help.


I often think that man wasn't made for that which we have today; all day we are bombarded by man-made technology, shopping, food filled with chemicals. I often just think our brains are overloaded!

Edited by Penny Quirk
Poor grammar!!
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