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Saab or volvo. Which do I choose?

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Hi everyone!


When it comes to choosing cars it's always a dilemma. Do I choose economy over performance or looks over practicality?


I am wanting to buy either a Saab or a Volvo. Both are made in Sweden and have a reputation as being affordable and well made. Rather bland to some I agree!


Which one do you think is the better option and why?


Should I ditch them and go for something ugly like a Nissan of a Mazda?


Any ideas?


Thank you

Saab every time. Dont be put off by then not being made anymore, parts are plentiful and cheap. Theres an excellent Saab specialist in Sheffield who looks after my cars and when i change my current Saab ill be getting another one, Yup a Saab.

Pm me if you want a spin in mine, it may help you make your mind or even change you mind.


---------- Post added 28-07-2015 at 10:07 ----------


That is the 9-3. And Saab still make parts afaik, but it just doesn't sit right with me anymore. There is more hassle with that brand than can possibly be healthy.



There is no hassle. Non at all and trust me, youre speaking to a Saab owner.


---------- Post added 28-07-2015 at 10:09 ----------


Saab parts are as easy to get as any other car as they are basically a Vectra.


Thats the 93 but the 95 parts are just as easy to get.

I can have any part in my house by tomorrow if i order before lunch time today.

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quote:Nissan, only ever owned one (Mk1 Micra inherited from Great-Aunt, who'd bought it brand new and managed to put about 23k on it in 17 years ...that car was an automotive panzer, unkillable: my brother -shame on him- ran it on 3 cylinders without any hiccup for the better part of 2 years before I copped on during a family visit and put in new ignition leads). Driven a few over the years, fairly bland/uninvolving/made to a cost. But well engineered (typically Japanese: K-I-S-S) and good residuals (not as good as Volvos, better than Mazdas).


i've a Nissan 1.6 qashqai 13 plate.

Horribly under powered. pulling away at a roundabout takes ages and as for going up hill with 4 up OMG.

Very comfortable and goes OK when you get going on a motorway.

Unfortunately, I compare it with my Audi A3 1.8 turbo which was a bit too pricey at the time'

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