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Who to deport from the UK

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It seems clear that there's too many people in GB and we need to deport a few,

I think we should start on:

People at golf tournaments who shout " get in the hole" when the golfer hits a shot 300 yards from the green.

People who sit in aisle seats on buses and trains when there's an empty seat by the window. I know a bloke who bumps in to them on purpose then says sorry.

Families who go on holiday mob handed monopolising all the sun beds, usually scousers, Geordies and cockneys.

Arsenal fans who complain about Arsene Wenger,(they should try living in Sheffield)

There would of course be exceptions in these depending on which football team they support, obviously Blades would be exempt.


Add people who abandon their shopping trolleys in the car park right where they loaded up.

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People who eat with their mouth open.

All those who wear hats indoors (rude).

Everyone who drives a 4X4.

People who end sentences with 'so'...........

The Scottish.

People who sniff constantly - BLOW YOUR NOSE !

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