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Why are people dismissive of things that are unfamiliar

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Really good analysis of how they actually do anything here (although not what I expected)




I certainly wouldn't suggest using one whilst a cramp is occurring. I was thinking that use before bed might help to avoid a leg cramp in the night.


They're more of a post exercise (or warmup) thing than actually an aid to exercising.

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Having just read the thread, I'm not sure who I should have the most sympathy for.


The poster with the leg cramps, or the one with the hurt pride and bruised ego, as I imagine both conditions could be rather painful. :wink:

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It's not just that people are dismissive of things that are familiar. In several cases someone who has asked a question is looking for reinforcement of their own prejudice. When they get faced with facts that contradict them they resort to attacking the poster. Or use playground "humour" to denigrate a quite reasonable response.


It's the way of the black and white thinkers: my way or none at all.

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It's not just that people are dismissive of things that are familiar. In several cases someone who has asked a question is looking for reinforcement of their own prejudice. When they get faced with facts that contradict them they resort to attacking the poster. Or use playground "humour" to denigrate a quite reasonable response.


It's the way of the black and white thinkers: my way or none at all.

Behave yourself!


It's nice to have a bit of playground humour now and again... :hihi:

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I fully agree but not as a substitute for grown up debate.

I don't mind having a serious debate every now and again, but not when people are veering wildly off the subject of my thread.

I was wanting to know if anyone knew why Crampex tablets had been taken off the shelves ... a question which no one has attempted to answer as yet.

Instead, we get drawn into paint rollers and variations thereof ... nothing to do with my original question.

Is it any wonder then, and can you blame me, for equally going off subject and having a bit of a laugh, which, in case you hadn't noticed, I like to do on here?

Is it right for me to be chastised when it wasn't me who changed the subject? :confused:

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Alcoblog is a breath of fresh air on this forum, and usually makes me actually laugh out loud with his light hearted threads. Especially with his silly sketches. :hihi:


How anyone can become agitated by him just shows a lack of sense of humour. It seems Sheffield Forum is just a point scoring exercise for some people who take seriousness to another level, and would most likely be the most boring person at a party. (Assuming they ever go out to one)

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Alcoblog is a breath of fresh air on this forum, and usually makes me actually laugh out loud with his light hearted threads. Especially with his silly sketches. :hihi:


How anyone can become agitated by him just shows a lack of sense of humour. It seems Sheffield Forum is just a point scoring exercise for some people who take seriousness to another level, and would most likely be the most boring person at a party. (Assuming they ever go out to one)


I agree.


Mr Alcoblog is highly intelligent, artistic and comical genius.

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I don't mind having a serious debate every now and again, but not when people are veering wildly off the subject of my thread.

I was wanting to know if anyone knew why Crampex tablets had been taken off the shelves ... a question which no one has attempted to answer as yet.

Instead, we get drawn into paint rollers and variations thereof ... nothing to do with my original question.

Is it any wonder then, and can you blame me, for equally going off subject and having a bit of a laugh, which, in case you hadn't noticed, I like to do on here?

Is it right for me to be chastised when it wasn't me who changed the subject? :confused:


You were talking about leg cramp and I made a legitimate suggestion in an effort to help you.

I won't bother ever again though.

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