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Info regarding the "claymore"


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neither do i remember a bar downstairs at the claymore it was not a very good pub at the best of times. heaven knows why it was called the claymore what as sheffield got to do with scotland. wonder if rab c nessbit was a local there

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neither do i remember a bar downstairs at the claymore it was not a very good pub at the best of times. heaven knows why it was called the claymore what as sheffield got to do with scotland. wonder if rab c nessbit was a local there


Crikey! I'd forgotten about this thread, it's been buried for so long!


The Claymore/ Scottish link is probably to do with the Mary Queen of Scots history of our fair city.


She was imprisoned here at Sheffield castle for 14 years, with George Talbot, husband of Bess of Hardwick as her gaoler. she was in Sheffield and its locality from about 1569/70 to the mid 1580s (she was occasionally kept at Tutbury, and Chatsworth, which were other grand houses and castles owned by Talbot and his family)

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I used go in the early 70's when they served Youngers Scotch bitter and tartan which was very fizzy, I went for Burns night one year and the haggis was piped in and served with neaps (turnip) and tatties (potatoes) nice but not very good with 6 pints of tartan !:gag:

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many moons ago the boozer i run was known as the claymore,infact its one of the first boozers i used to go in..around 1979 (last stop before steeley's/roxy's) well i was speaking with one of the regulars last night and he swears blind the place used to have a down stairs bar,where the cellar is now,as there are 2 cellars (ones very small and no longer used) this could be true but i'm sure he's wrong...........can anyone shed any light on this?


Back in the mid late sixties The Claymore was run by the Keys - Dorothy & Richard (I think that was his first name), they had a stunning daughter with long auburn hair whose boyfriend/husband had a flash sports car - at least it was in those days. Tartan bitter was the premier beer (scottish version of draft Double Diamond) at 2/3 or 2/6 a pint. It had a bar at street level and one upstairs. The Keys lived on the top floor in secure apartment.

The customers were mainly the more mature responsible type and it was generally the place to be in those days. The cellars were downstairs but no bar accessable from the small road at the side of the Odeon.

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I remember the Claymore in the mid late sixties being run by the Keys - Dorothy & Richard (I think) they had a stunning daughter - long auburn hair - whose boyfriend/husband drove a flash sports car - at least it was in those days. A bar at street level and one upstairs with accommodation for the Keys above that in an apartment. The clientelle were in the main more mature sensible customers, the premier beer being Tartan at 2/3 or 2/6 a pint.

I remember seeing my old maths teacher Mr. Burgin (see Colley school) one night in there and calling him sir, he replied "you left school years ago call me Tony"

I think that after leaving the Claymore the Keys ran a pub somewhere at the back of the City Hall for a while.

Occasional lock ins for the staff at the w/e, all the doors were locked, and after about an hour a knock on the doors meant the local beat plod were checking "to see if all was well" after a quick tipple they were satisfied and went on there way.

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I seem to remember that there was two bars but one was at street level and the other was upstairs. Does this make sense? I was probably very drunk at the time.


Hi blue, When me and mate finish work at 6.00.pm we use to call

in the Elephant in the sq and call onto the Claymore, both good beers

but to your question on two bars, i remember only one on ground level -

downstairs was the toilets i think, then i'd had a few pints. :hihi::hihi:

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Hi blue, When me and mate finish work at 6.00.pm we use to call

in the Elephant in the sq and call onto the Claymore, both good beers

but to your question on two bars, i remember only one on ground level -

downstairs was the toilets i think, then i'd had a few pints. :hihi::hihi:


There was a first floor bar. The stairs to it were accessed by an outside door to the left of the pub and the downstair to the toilets was on the right hand side of the ground floor bar. We used to kick off our Saturday night in the ground floor room perched around the jukebox to the left of the bar.

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My mates and I used the Claymore as our starting off point in town when it first opened in the 70s after our favourite watering hole the Adelphi was demolished to make way for the Crucible.It was handy for us being central near the night clubs Fiesta and Baileys Bank St,also I could catch a bus outside the Mucky Duck at 1-00 am if we had an early night if not it was only 10 bob for a taxi to my abode on Middlewood Rd.Those were the days I couldn,t do it now I must have had the constitution of an ox with a brain to match,happy days good memories of my youth it seems only yesterday,oh well!

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