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Agonising pain with shingles

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Does anyone on here know what i can take for really painful shingles that developed 2 days ago ?

I have seen my GP who prescribed 3 different medications, but none have started to work and i'm in agony !

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Your GP will be the most help. Make sure to let him or her know what's working and what isn't, and make sure they are taking your pain level seriously.


When my mother had this quite a while ago, what worked best for her was capsaicin cream (http://www.nhs.uk/medicine-guides/pages/MedicineOverview.aspx?condition=Shingles&medicine=capsaicin)


Really feel for you. I know shingles is a bear to deal with.

Edited by Dozer
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The pain associated with Shingles is caused by inflammation of the nerves along which the virus has traveled. The pain can be very severe and last for some time.

If you have been taking Paracetamol and Ibuprofen regularly and as prescribed and the pain is still severe you should return to your GP for a review.

Drugs such as Gabapentin or Pregabalin are very effective for nerve pain but can cause drowsiness in some people.

Sometimes antidepressant drugs are used for their nerve pain killing effects - drugs such as Amitriptyline, Doxepin and Imipramine.

All the best.

Edited by Daven
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Cheers for your reply and info

Gp prescribed paracetamol and ibuprofen at the beginning of the week, went back when they didn't work and have now been prescribed with Acyclovir, Codene and Amitriptyline, there not working either, arghhh !


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Tandy, this is heartbreaking. Don't let the GP give up on this -- pain is serious business and a good GP will want to keep working with you to find a solution.

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