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Osama Bin Laden's family members killed in air accident

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so you would turn away the £billions of investment cash the wealthy gulf Arabs bring in?


Thank goodness you're not in charge of the economy either :roll:


When they aren't secretly funding ISIS, oppressing their people and being general all round scumbags.


A bit like when all the Russian Oligarchs started "investing" in London. Property prices soar, normal people get evicted and assassins are free to wander around poisoning peoples' tea.


Just because someone puts up money doesn't mean we should cast off all moral values and accept it.


Let the wealthy Arabs wage war on ISIS instead of tossing it off and hoping the "evil" West put boots on the ground.

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When they aren't secretly funding ISIS, oppressing their people and being general all round scumbags.


A bit like when all the Russian Oligarchs started "investing" in London. Property prices soar, normal people get evicted and assassins are free to wander around poisoning peoples' tea.


Just because someone puts up money doesn't mean we should cast off all moral values and accept it.


Let the wealthy Arabs wage war on ISIS instead of tossing it off and hoping the "evil" West put boots on the ground.


Oh, I fully agree.


It's just that the world's favorite religious socialist president Tony B. Liar has an estimated worth of £70 million.


He didn't earn all of that by fiddling his expenses, I'm sure.

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so you would turn away the £billions of investment cash the wealthy gulf Arabs bring in?


Thank goodness you're not in charge of the economy either :roll:


YES , if it was dirty money . David Cameron has stated this week that there is no place for 'Dirty Money' in Britain .


If I was the Prime Minister I would do the same as Dave .

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YES , if it was dirty money . David Cameron has stated this week that there is no place for 'Dirty Money' in Britain .


If I was the Prime Minister I would do the same as Dave .


i gotta admire your ambition at the very least, you've gone from home Secretary, to running the economy, to prime minister in one evening!


I look forward to seeing "Call me Dave"'s anti money laundering plan in action (unless some Russian oligarch bumps him off)


More polonium-laced tea, Dave ?

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Hi Halibut,


So you have a Masters in Material Science? :hihi:


So you will point me to where Dr July Wood calculated how much energy this "DEW" would need to demolish the twin towers?


Happy hunting (give you a clue - she doesn't) :cool:


Some good reads about the mentalist.



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It could be just Karma .


So basically, being related to someone makes you guilty of their crimes? Or, at the very least, you need to suffer because of that relationship?


So, by that "logic", Rolf Harris' brother Bruce Harris needs to be punished in some way. A nasty accident or the loss of a child to cancer should do it.


As you say.... Karma. :rolleyes:


Likewise, Carl Sutcliffe, brother of Yorkshire Ripper Peter, really, really needs to suffer. He's his brother. What more reason do you need?


As you say.... Karma. :rolleyes:


Similarly, all the surrounding descendants of Adolf Hitler need to be rounded up and put on trial. Just their shared DNA ought to be enough to put the rope around their necks.


As you say.... Karma. :rolleyes:

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If I was the Home Secretary I would ban all his family from entering the UK . There were over 60 British people killed in the September 11th attacks in America , that's a valid enough reason for any reasonable person .


Eh up mate! THINK about what you are saying? Seriously ... think it through!


'All his family' are not guilty of his crimes, and I'm pretty certain that the majority of his family did not agree with his principles.

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