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School excersise book

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Yes it's one of those things you don't forget.

Those terrible days when we were forced to recite the times table day after day and have ended up being the basis of every little sum you've had to work out since.

Hands up anyone who feels they've been mentally scarred by having to learn things by rote like we did in the 50s.

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Yes it's one of those things you don't forget.

Those terrible days when we were forced to recite the times table day after day and have ended up being the basis of every little sum you've had to work out since.

Hands up anyone who feels they've been mentally scarred by having to learn things by rote like we did in the 50s.


Certainly not; in fact quite the opposite. Boring it might have been; tedious, perhaps, but we humans, like all animals, learn by practice and repetition. Getting our heads around the difficult and rather quirky Imperial system of measurements stood us in good stead and learning them by rote certainly made them stick.

I can still recall most of the maths I learnt at school and can calculate numerical problems mentally or with a pencil and paper. Can the current generation?



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Anyone remember the wieghts and measures tables on the back of your book?.

Do you still mentally refer to them after all this time, prefer them to metric?.

22yards one chain, 8 chains one furlong----- oh the memories:confused:


Ten chains to a furlong, eight furlongs to a mile. :)

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Yes echo beach , exactly my point. Virtually all the stuff I remember from school is stuff I was ' made ' to learn. The teachers who I gained the most from were those I was either in awe of or a little bit scared of. I'm sorry but I think young boys in particular need that element of discipline. I know I did.

I can roll out my times table, I can spell. All because I had to.

I can remember most of the imperial measures that are the subject of the OP.

Crikey, I can say the French and German alphabets out loud

I can conjugate certain Latin verbs. Ok you might say that all that is useless because it's no good in the modern world but I feel the education system that actually was the envy of the world back then was far better

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I used to love those tables at the back of some exercise books. The exercise books I remember fondly had red covers and I think they were called Silvrine or something like that. I loved imperial weights and measures, learning and reciting them - and remembering them.

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...I can conjugate certain Latin verbs. Ok you might say that all that is useless because it's no good in the modern world but I feel the education system that actually was the envy of the world back then was far better
Quite right, Dreb48, at least in many cases. I'm sure I personally fared better than if I had gone to a comprehensive, as would inevitably have been the case a decade later. Being able to conjugate Latin verbs might not be important in the modern world, but you and I benefited from the sort of education that is denied most schoolchildren nowadays, that is the majority of those whose parents are not well-heeled enough to send their offspring to private schools. How many children from poor backgrounds (as I was) are nowadays given the advantage of the standard of education we had at King Ted's?


---------- Post added 01-08-2015 at 13:08 ----------


...The exercise books I remember fondly had red covers and I think they were called Silvrine or something like that...
Here is one!.:)
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