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What does it mean to "believe in climate change"?

What do you believe about climate change?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you believe about climate change?

    • I'm a believer and I expect ~1ºC per CO2 doubling.
    • I'm a sceptic and I expect ~1ºC per CO2 doubling.
    • I'm a believer and I expect 1-2ºC per CO2 doubling.
    • I'm a sceptic and I expect 1-2ºC per CO2 doubling.
    • I'm a believer and I expect >2ºC per CO2 doubling.
    • I'm a sceptic and I expect
    • I'm a believer and I have no idea what to expect from CO2 doubling.
    • I'm a sceptic and I have no idea what to expect from CO2 doubling.

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here's my two pennies worth..


*from what i see, the man made climate change deniers are often funded by the oil and gas (fossil fuel) industry.


*climate change is constantly happening with the availability or non availability of greenhouse gases a driving force.


*people are releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. there must be some contribution to climate change from this activity.


*i'm of the opinion that a future free of fossils fuels with clean, healthy air and renewable energy sources has to be a positive step forward regardless of the overall contribution or not fossil fuels make to climate change. what kind of world do we wish to leave for our children?


*what if climate change is a load of nonsense and we all we do is just end up making the world a better place?

Edited by dean thom
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You are either unaware or conveniently ignoring the latest reports by renewablesUK and other bodies predicting that Wind of various types will become the cheapest form of energy over the next 5-10 years. http://bit.ly/1FDzVK4

The main reason anyone presses for 'rapid' decarbonisation is that they hope this is enough to get the vested interests of fossil fuel lobbyists to move at all. In reality more gradual decarbonisation is all anyone can hope for.

What about the potential cost of NOT decarbonising?




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


That's very interesting speculation you've found there.

Where in the costing do they account for the many millions of laptop batteries (if we can mine enough Lithium), or hundred extra pumped hydro stations (if we can find place to site them) which are needed to deal with the unavoidable intermittency of wind power?

Perhaps they intend to have full nuclear or fossil backup power? If so, what's the point in building the wind turbines?


---------- Post added 03-08-2015 at 17:28 ----------


here's my two pennies worth..


*from what i see, the man made climate change deniers are often funded by the oil and gas (fossil fuel) industry.


*climate change is constantly happening with the availability or non availability of greenhouse gases a driving force.


*people are releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. there must be some contribution to climate change from this activity.


*i'm of the opinion that a future free of fossils fuels with clean, healthy air and renewable energy sources has to be a positive step forward regardless of the overall contribution or not fossil fuels make to climate change. what kind of world do we wish to leave for our children?


*what if climate change is a load of nonsense and we all we do is just end up making the world a better place?


Where are we supposed to get the money? What do we cut? Healthcare, welfare, education?

I don't think you realise how much this has already cost us. I certainly don't think you realise how much full decarbonisation will cost.

What makes you think that renewables are even viable for electricity generation base load?

At the moment, all we're going to leave our children is a very unreliable and very expensive energy supply, and a biggest bill for infrastructure in the history of civilisation.

Edited by unbeliever
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Oh and El Cid, RootsBooster. That's another person calling me a "denier" and accusing me of corruption on zero evidence.

I can't help but think that if the case for renewables actually held up, its supporters might stick to playing the ball rather than the man, don't you?

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Oh and El Cid, RootsBooster. That's another person calling me a "denier" and accusing me of corruption on zero evidence.

I can't help but think that if the case for renewables actually held up, its supporters might stick to playing the ball rather than the man, don't you?


Who called you a "denier"?

Edited by SnailyBoy
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Watch wind power disappear when subsidy cuts start to bite.


Gone with the wind?


Have they cut the subsidies for off-shore wind?

On-shore wind has, in all honesty, become cheaper in the last few years and can survive on a combination of feed-in tariffs and those payments for when they're not needed.


---------- Post added 03-08-2015 at 18:01 ----------


No he didn't


I don't want to speak on his behalf, but I see that he made a general point about funding by the fossil fuel industry into the denial of climate change.


Let's see what he has to say about it.

Is there any evidence for this funding anyway?

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Have they cut the subsidies for off-shore wind?

On-shore wind has, in all honesty, become cheaper in the last few years and can survive on a combination of feed-in tariffs and those payments for when they're not needed.


---------- Post added 03-08-2015 at 18:01 ----------



Let's see what he has to say about it.

Is there any evidence for this funding anyway?


What evidence would convince you?

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What evidence would convince you?


Records of payments to professionals of one sort or another for that purpose.

Or records of payments to anybody who makes it their business to make the case against AGW full time.

There may be others I haven't thought of.

It's kind of hard to believe that if the fossil fuel folk were up to this there would be no paper trail.

Why would you believe it without such evidence?


It's not necessary to pay people to pretend they don't support the CAGW consensus. There are plenty who disbelieve it for free and are happy to say so.


I could just as easily make a claim that the very big businesses of renewables and nuclear have been paying people to pretend that they do believe in climate change. I'm not making such an allegation, because I can't back it up.

Edited by unbeliever
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