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Trolling and political leaning

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I only use this forum, so I can't speak for other forums; but why do trolls, and those with more than one username on here, almost always come from the political right?


For example, I have noticed that their usual MO is to disparage people from BME communities, be homophobic, and be truly vile about people on benefits. Some even like to fantasise that they are wealthy, and like to look down their noses at people who for what ever reason are in low paid work, claim benefits or make smart arse comments about people who use food banks.


Now it is possible to discuss these issues in an intelligent way, without gloating, or being spiteful; but the trolls on here with right wing opinions seem unable to do so.


Why is this? Do they hate the world and themselves so much? Or haven't they got the ability to discuss matters without being needlessly offensive.

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I only use this forum, so I can't speak for other forums; but why do trolls, and those with more than one username on here, almost always come from the political right?


For example, I have noticed that their usual MO is to disparage people from BME communities, be homophobic, and be truly vile about people on benefits. Some even like to fantasise that they are wealthy, and like to look down their noses at people who for what ever reason are in low paid work, claim benefits or make smart arse comments about people who use food banks.


Now it is possible to discuss these issues in an intelligent way, without gloating, or being spiteful; but the trolls on here with right wing opinions seem unable to do so.


Why is this? Do they hate the world and themselves so much? Or haven't they got the ability to discuss matters without being needlessly offensive.


Because ironically they actually come from this following demographic......

to disparage people from BME communities, be homophobic, and be truly vile about people on benefits. Some even like to fantasise that they are wealthy
.....and are likely cynical and bitter about their lot, which again is ironic because they are more than likely to be unemployed and on the breadline (dole). They can't attack the 'elite' that's who they aspire to (delusions of grandeur) the nearest they can get is to pretend what they aint..


Low achievers basically.

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Because ironically they actually come from this following demographic...... .....and are likely cynical and bitter about their lot, which again is ironic because they are more than likely to be unemployed and on the breadline (dole). They can't attack the 'elite' that's who they aspire to (delusions of grandeur) the nearest they can get is to pretend what they aint..


Low achievers basically.


Yes, I think you're onto something there.

There are, and have been quite a few 'tuppence ha'penny millionaires' who think that because they've got a few quid more than someone on the dole, then they have joined the upper class.

Still I suppose it's easier to pretend to be somebody else on the internet....don't know who they're trying to impress though, because most don't believe them, and those gullible that do believe them probably don't care :hihi:

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Its not just this forum what's like this its the media and society. We used to look after our own now we turn on each other instead and the real issues go unsolved as no politician of any colour can resolve the counties' problems. Its easier to blame anyone less fortunate than ourselves and the ever witch hurting media are more than happy to play the anthem of hate. Our masters play this game well and its working.

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What you call trolling is often just people telling it like it is.


Telling it like it comes into the right-wing fantasy world inside their tiny brains, more like.


I have noticed that a lot of the Kippers - ellco, sevenrivers, xt500 - have vanished since the election.

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