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Trolling and political leaning

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"Because the rest of our media is ridiculously right wing"

The rest is not. Some of it is right leaning. Some of it is left wing. I named the ones that are.

Your pie chart is a manipulation of statistics to provide a point of view.

Yeah, sure pick out that one hyperbolic sentence I used to open my post, ignore the part later in that post where I expanded on that


"The BBC only seems like it has a left bias in comparison with the other mainstream media in the UK, which is mostly very right wing"


Compared to most of our media, the BBC seems left wing, but that's only because most of our media is right wing, that's my point.


The BBC is lightyears ahead of Sky and all of Britain's most popular newspapers when it comes to political balance.


It incudes the evening standard but not the MEN or the Star. It is based on circulation. It does not include BBC1...............BBC4........Radio1 -5.....BBC etc... , ITV, C4, C5, etc


You're the one that chose to list newspapers to make your point, I can't be helped if a more complete list backfired on you.

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Endless local rags pretty much all Johnston Press, MEN etc etc



Morning Star



Not all right wing at all.

BBC is massive and more influential than the rest put together.

Your point is untrue and has no weight.


You clearly know nothing about the history of the Johnston Press then.

Perhaps a little reading about the Yorkshire Post might assist.


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 16:03 ----------


Unfortunately, it does appear that the overwhelming proportion of trolls are self-defined as being from the far left and the far right.


The world would be a far better place if they were all dispatched to a desert island where they could troll each other to their hearts' content.

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Endless local rags pretty much all Johnston Press, MEN etc etc



Morning Star


Not all right wing at all.

BBC is massive and more influential than the rest put together.

Your point is untrue and has no weight.


The Independent supported a coalition between the Tories and Libs at the last election



Name and shame them then.


Have done before, was told off by the moderators that it was against Forum rules

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If the BBC is impartial, why do people on the left go mad when it's mooted that it should be closed down whereas people on the right are much more in favour of abolishing the BBC?

because all right wingers see anything as not fitting into their world view as left wing scum

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Classic left wing troll. :D


An interesting perspective from someone who seems to think that the Johnston Press is left-wing.


Of course, the Johnston Press's key regional newspaper is the Yorkshire Post.


The first issue of The Yorkshire Post, on 2 July 1866 included the following statement:

“ the political principles of this journal are Conservative; while supporting every practical improvement, it will resist organic changes ... It will be at once conservative and progressive, a foe to democracy and revolution, but the firm friend of all constitutional reform."


Is there anyone to the right of you on the political spectrum?

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Economically I'm right wing. Socially I'm much less so. Laissez afire economics and laissez afire on lifestyle choices.

Right wing economics work.

My personal choices on hunting, fishing, homosexual marriage, drugs, food, are just my choices.


---------- Post added 06-08-2015 at 08:09 ----------


OOH you....you






bugger, you


Is bugger an acceptable word on here? I got a ban for using a starred out word which could have spelled flicker. In some people's view buggery is more offensive than flicking. One of these days I shall understand the rules.

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I only use this forum, so I can't speak for other forums; but why do trolls, and those with more than one username on here, almost always come from the political right?


For example, I have noticed that their usual MO is to disparage people from BME communities, be homophobic, and be truly vile about people on benefits. Some even like to fantasise that they are wealthy, and like to look down their noses at people who for what ever reason are in low paid work, claim benefits or make smart arse comments about people who use food banks.


Now it is possible to discuss these issues in an intelligent way, without gloating, or being spiteful; but the trolls on here with right wing opinions seem unable to do so.


Why is this? Do they hate the world and themselves so much? Or haven't they got the ability to discuss matters without being needlessly offensive.


True this...

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If the BBC is impartial, why do people on the left go mad when it's mooted that it should be closed down whereas people on the right are much more in favour of abolishing the BBC?


People on the right don't want to abolish the BBC because it's left-wing or neutral. They want to abolish it because it's public service and not right-wing.


If anyone thinks it's left-wing they should study its coverage of the Royals.


---------- Post added 06-08-2015 at 08:37 ----------


Laissez afire ...


Is that a policy to privatise the fire brigade?

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